The Civil Rights Issue No One is Talking About

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year, we must remember that the battle for civil rights continues among one portion of the population.  Those who get all of their news from the mainstream media would likely find themselves completely unaware of this civil rights battle. 


MLK’s niece, Dr. Alveda King, has followed in her uncle’s footsteps by becoming a spokesperson for the Civil Rights issue of this generation, the pro-life movement.  Dr. King referred to Planned Parenthood as “the most obvious practitioner of racism in the United States today” at a tea party rally in 2010, reminding the audience of its founding by “the eugenicist Margaret Sanger and recently documented as ready to accept money to eliminate black babies.”  She went on to say that “The most positive step we can take to fight racism is to end the hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies given to an organization that fulfills the dream of the Ku Klux Klan—a group Planned Parenthood’s founder once addressed.”  Yet the Democrats’ 2016 standard bearer who labeled half of Trump supporters racist considered it an honor to accept an award in her honor.  People should find it quite ironic that Sanger has a bust in the Civil Rights exhibit of the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery.      


Pro-lifers, as well as deficit hawks and libertarians who might not necessarily hold pro-life views will certainly rejoice in watching Planned Parenthood’s annual $500 million windfall, paid for by the American taxpayer, get cut off.  If Democrats had not tethered themselves to the feminist lobby, they might appreciate the spending cut since they supposedly care about the deficit all of a sudden.


King has teamed up with actor Nick Loeb to produce “Roe v. Wade: The Movie”, a feature-length film which will trace the development of the radical feminist movement in addition to examining the deception and lies that led to the outcome of the 1973 Supreme Court case legalizing abortion nationwide.  Dr. Mildred Jefferson, a vocal pro-life activist and the first African-American woman to graduate from Harvard Medical School, will serve as the film’s protagonist; with King herself making a cameo appearance as Jefferson’s mother.   Veteran actor Jon Voight will also make an appearance as a Supreme Court justice.  The film will also discuss how Norma McCorvey, the plaintiff in Roe, and Dr. Bernard Nathanson, a former abortion doctor, eventually became pro-life.  The filmmakers have found themselves unable to receive financial support from ultra-liberal Hollywood, where production has begun on three pro-abortion movies.  The brains between “Roe v. Wade: The Movie” hope to raise $2 million via the crowd funding website Indiegogo; click here to donate or learn more about the film.  10 percent of all proceeds will go to pro-life organizations.  In addition to the expected opposition from Hollywood, Facebook has banned the filmmakers from inviting friends to “like” their page and sharing ads.  Facebook’s treatment of “Roe v. Wade: The Movie” provides just the latest example of anti-conservative censorship in Silicon Valley. 



If people knew the truth about the grisly abortion methods, they might find themselves less likely to support the procedure.  The pro-abortion lobby believes that “ignorance is bliss”; the less people actually know about abortion the better.  New Jersey Governor Chris Christie changed his stance on abortion from pro-choice to pro-life after hearing his daughter’s heartbeat during an ultrasound.  Let’s not forget about Dr. Abby Johnson, the former Planned Parenthood director who became pro-life after watching an abortion on ultrasound.  She recounts the experience in her book Unplanned: The Dramatic True Story of a Former Planned Parenthood Leader’s Eye-Opening Journey Across the Life Line.   For a party that always stresses the importance of education, abortion is the one area where the Democrats have absolutely no desire to keep the public informed.  No wonder liberals hate laws mandating abortion counseling and ultrasounds; they know that if women actually knew the truth about the procedure, very few would decide to go through with it. 


Abortion can have lifelong consequences; if it does not result in the physical death of the mother, it will more likely than not cause her emotional death.  Actress Jane Russell, whose beauty and talent rivaled that of Marilyn Monroe, spent the rest of her life regretting the abortion she had at the age of 18.  She described the experience in an interview with The Daily Mail, saying, “I had a botched abortion and it was terrible.  Afterwards my own doctor said: ‘What butcher did this to you?’  I had to be taken to the hospital. I was so ill I nearly died.”  Russell’s abortion made her unable to have biological children later in life.  This unfortunate experience made Russell one of the most vocal pro-life activists in Hollywood.  Russell’s experience might make ignorant buffoon Lena Dunham, who once said that she wished she had an abortion, reconsider that statement.                


 All the liberals whining about how voter ID laws have a disproportionate effect on the African-American community might want to redirect their anger at Planned Parenthood, as a disproportionate number of black babies find themselves victims of abortion doctors.  According to the Life Issues institute, 79 percent of its surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance to minority communities.  The Guttmacher institute found that black women receive 30 percent of the abortions in 2011 despite only making up 12.6 percent of the population. 


Dennis Howard has created The Abortion Index, a compilation of frightening statistics about abortion in the United States and all around the world.  Abortion has cost the lives of more than 60 million American babies since 1967; meaning more Americans have died from abortion than live in the 87 largest cities in the United States.  Liberals have sacrificed these innocent lives at the altar of feminism and women’s liberation.



Democrats champion themselves the party of minority rights but they consistently ignore the rights of one powerless group.  As Rep. Chris Smith so eloquently put it, “the most persecuted and at risk minority in the world today are unborn children.  Pregnancy is not a disease.  The child in the womb is neither a tumor nor a parasite to be destroyed.”  Yet many liberals disagree with his statement.  In an effort to convince their fellow Americans that unborn babies are nothing more than a clump of cells, the pro-abortion crowd refer to the babies as “fetuses”, failing to realize that the word “fetus” actually means “little one” in Latin.  Don’t liberals realize that the truth will set them free?



Our immigration status quo also negatively impacts the black community.  The overabundance of low-skilled immigrants does not help unemployed African-Americans find jobs.  Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, told the Senate Judiciary Committee “Illegal immigration has had a disproportionately negative effect on the wages and employment levels of blacks, particularly black males.”   “Giving amnesty to illegal immigrants would only exacerbate this problem this problem facing low-skilled men, who are disproportionately African American.”  As Democrats have become increasingly dependent on immigrants for their votes, Kirsanow’s recommendation will probably face the same fate as the Jordan Commission’s 1995 recommendation to reduce the admittance of low-skilled immigrants.  Politicians in both parties will probably say “thanks but no thanks” and work to import more low-skilled immigrants to please their donors and immigrants’ rights groups.     


Democrats don’t care about civil rights, they only care about votes.  They see the flood of low-skilled immigrants as future voters so they would happily make them all citizens, regardless on the impact such a decision would have on the economic well-being of African-Americans, another group they claim to care about so much.  They also depend on pro-choice feminists as one of their constituencies, which explains why they don’t care that abortions have wiped out 17 million black babies since 1973.        


Those who want to show their support for the civil rights issue of this generation have the opportunity to do so at the March for Life, which will take place on Friday, January 19 in our Nation’s Capital.  Speakers at this year’s March for Life include House Speaker Paul Ryan, and Rep. Dan Lipinski, one of the rare pro-life Democrats serving in Congress.  I would advise any attendees planning on taking the Metro to stay away from the Green Line.


As with the original civil rights movement, change will not happen overnight.  As Dr. Martin Luther King once said, “The time is always right to do what is right.”  Pro-lifers cannot get complacent and waive the white flag.  While pop culture, unelected bureaucrats, the media, Silicon Valley and many of our elected officials will continue to serve as foes of the pro-life movement, the 2016 Presidential Election proved that the power belongs to the people, not the elites.  Don’t ever give up the fight.        


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