Academia Pines for a Red Pill

I know I speak for many when I say I’m glad I’m not in school anymore.  As much as I enjoyed spending 13 years of my life working 6 ½ hour days and enjoying two months off every year, it’s nice to know that I now have the complete freedom to advance conservatism without fear of receiving lower grades than my liberal peers, even if that means working 365 days a year.

For a very long time, conservatives have recognized that a left-wing bias plagues Academia, which has a more enormous influence on the lives of children than ever before as the intact, grounded nuclear family continues to become the exception rather than the rule.  Liberals have spent the past half-century working diligently to remove all references to God from public school.  Apparently fearing that the legislative branch would not graciously pass their anti-God agenda into law, liberals ran to the Courts.  The Warren Court, arguably the most progressive Supreme Court in United States History, found School Prayer unconstitutional in 1962, just a few years before the Cultural Revolution fully engulfed our bourgeois culture. 

Rhode Island, the state where I currently reside, has found itself thrust into the national spotlight quite a bit with regards to the hot-button issue of “separation of church and state.” In 1992, The Supreme Court case Lee v. Weisman found that clergy-led prayer at graduation ceremonies violated the Constitution.  The plaintiff in the case, a principal of a middle school in the state capital of Providence, had irritated some parents, the defendants, by inviting a Jewish rabbi to deliver an invocation at the school’s graduation ceremony. Nearly two decades later, atheist student Jessica Ahlquist, buoyed by legal counsel from the ACLU, successfully demanded the removal of a prayer banner at Cranston West High School. 

This insightful column by Ann Coulter explains why liberals strive to remove all references to God from the public schools: “G-d has no part in the religion of sex education, environmentalism, feminism, Marxism and loving big brother.”  The cultural overlords seek to “turn small children into Good Germans indoctrinated in the liberal religion,” which consists of authority figures “teaching the youngsters to put condoms on zucchini or training them in the catechism of recycling.” For years, liberals have taught the younger generations to look up to big brother, “welcoming him to take over our schools, our bank accounts, our property, even our toilet bowls.”

Perhaps no other issue highlights the insanity and vulgarity of the curriculum taught to public school children than sex education. Many schools rely on the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education, which provides teachers with a framework for K-12 sex education.  This framework advocates teaching children as young as five about masturbation, sexual intercourse and homosexuality.  Shouldn’t they at least learn how to multiply and divide first?

Two years ago, California passed into law the Healthy Youth Act, which required “comprehensive sex education” for students in grades 7-12.  Far from just learning the birds and the bees, this “comprehensive sex education” framework teaches students about lubricants, anal sex, and sex toys.  The textbook encourages students to use cucumbers, carrots, and bananas as dildos.  Who appointed Howard Stern the Secretary of Education?  While the law contains a provision for an opt-out, the Orange County Board of Education told parents in their school district that they did not have that option.  Laws like this have prompted the Family Research Council to organize a “Sex-Ed Sit Out”, which took place earlier this week.  The organizers of the “Sex-Ed Sit Out” encouraged parents to pull their children out of school to protest “graphic, gender-bending sex education.”  

Six weeks ago, students all across the country participated in a walkout designed to raise awareness for gun control in the wake of the school shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that left seventeen dead.  Several progressive politicians joined them, including New York Governor Andrew Cuomo. In Ohio, high school senior Jacob Shoemaker faced a one-day suspension from school for refusing to participate in the gun control walkout at Hilliard Davidson High School in the suburbs of Columbus.    

Taking Academia’s left-wing bias into account, it should not come as that much of a surprise that a social studies textbook used by AP US History students in Minnesota has called into question President Trump’s mental stability and endorses the idea that the President won the 2016 Presidential Election because of widespread racism.  Pretty soon, schools will require students to read Michael Wolff’s Fire and Fury and James Comey’s A Higher Loyalty for summer reading.  Based on the contents of some of the textbooks children read, one would think that textbook publishing companies have signed a contract with President Obama’s longtime anti-American pastor Rev. Jeremiah Wright to start writing history textbooks. 

Miraculously, many manage to make it through K-12 education without drinking the liberal Kool-Aid.  But they still have to make it through college, which has a far more overt left-wing bias than elementary and secondary education.  I know at least two people who entered college as right-wingers and had become liberals by the time they graduated. 

This week, many schools across the country will hold a “Day of Silence,” designed to raise awareness for the persecution faced by the LGBT community.  The LGBT community does not realize how good they have it in the Western Hemisphere.  In western countries, the LGBT activists and their allies in pop culture, Academia, have had quite a bit of success in convincing a majority of people to support same-sex marriage, the holy grail of the movement. Yet the radical left will never surrender their mission to remake America, whether it’s repeatedly introducing a bill in Congress declaring war on the words “husband” and “wife,” forcing Christian business owners to close their doors, or introducing third gender options on drivers’ licenses and Federal documents.

If the LGBT activists really wanted to protect their rights, they would certainly seek to protect America by building a wall designed to keep out the radical Islamic terrorists that the cultural elites insist on bringing to our shores.  Yet because of the insane doctrine of intersectionality, the LGBT community often finds themselves sympathizing with the radical Muslims whom they see as their allies as they seek to rip apart the evil western patriarchy dominated by white, Christian, straight males.  Perhaps the LGBT community should take a look at the poem “The Snake”, frequently read by President Trump at his campaign rallies, before letting in people who would push them off buildings.

On the lines of the “Sex-Ed Sit Out” held earlier this week, many parents have decided to take their children out of school on “the Day of Silence” rather than have them subjected to Marxist propaganda.  Many parents do not appreciate the fact that the government tries to subvert their parental authority.       

So with the left holding a near monopoly on the Education System, enabling them to brainwash the next generation with liberal filth, little hope remains for restoring the United States of America as we know it, right?  Wrong!  Plenty of conservative organizations devote their time, resources and energy to introduce the next generation to conservative principles, such as Young America’s Foundation and the Leadership Institute.

Young America’s Foundation hopes to inspire young people to respect the time-tested concepts of “individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise and traditional values,” which do not get a fair hearing at most public schools and universities.  YAF holds conferences for high school and college students at various locations in “the Swamp,” and at the historic Reagan Ranch in Santa Barbara, California; which it owns and operates.  Young Americans For Freedom, a project of Young America’s Foundation, has chapters at high school and college campuses across the country.  Rhode Island does not have any YAF chapters; I dare any high school senior brave enough to start a YAF chapter at their high school for a senior project.

The National Journalism Center, another YAF project, aims to train truth-seeking journalists in an effort to restore balance to the notoriously liberal mainstream media, placing them at various media outlets in “the Swamp.” I found myself lucky enough to participate in the National Journalism Center Internship for the spring of 2018.  At the very beginning of my internship at the NJC, YAF had their Activism Training Seminar, which brought together more than 100 students from across the country.  The seminar included a trip to the Eisenhower Executive Office Building. Located a stone’s throw away from the White House, the Eisenhower Executive Office Building houses the office of the Vice President.  My fellow NJC Interns and I had the opportunity to attend the trip to the EEOB, even though we did not participate in the seminar.

While the left would like to make America think that the days of conservatism serving as the dominant philosophy in America have come and gone, the next generation of conservatives, including Candace Owens, Ben Shapiro, and Lauren Southern, will not go down without a fight.  Hopefully, the day when Academia finally has its “red pill” moment will come sooner rather than later.  Liberals will fight this “red pill” moment tooth and nail, as they understand far better than most conservatives that politics flows downstream from culture and control of the culture, including Academia, has served as an essential step in mainstreaming their radical political ideology.

For now, liberals continue to hold a commanding grip on the field of Academia. With the help of organizations such as Young America’s Foundation and the Leadership Institute, hope remains that those days will come to an end in the near future.


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