Greg Abbott: America's Model Governor

After hearing that Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill defunding sanctuary cities, I felt vindicated in my belief that he is the best Governor in the United States.


At this time last year, I would have been advocating that Abbott be picked as Donald Trump’s running mate due to his heroic conservative credentials.  While serving as Attorney General, he described his job this way: “I go into the office in the morning, I sue Barack Obama and then I go home.”  What’s not to like?


He spent his entire tenure as Attorney General standing up to the secular progressives, most notably by appearing before the Supreme Court and successfully defending the Ten Commandments Monument in front of the State Capitol.  He also stood up to big government by suing federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Department of Education.  


He continued his crusade for liberty as Governor, signing a concealed carry law and a religious liberty bills.  He provides quite a contrast to the social justice warrior governors like Jay Inslee (WA), who is more interested in banning travel to Indiana because of a religious freedom law than banning criminal illegal aliens from wreaking havoc in his state.  


A majority of Texans agree with me that Abbott is a fantastic governor.  According to a recent poll by the Morning Consult, his approval rating stands at 64%, meaning that he probably has near unanimous approval outside of the major metropolitan areas.  When lined up against the Governors of the remaining states, Abbott comes in as the 7th most popular Governor.  


Sanctuary cities are sanctuaries only for illegal immigrants hoping to avoid deportation.  The murderer of Kate Steinle, who was gunned down in the Summer of 2015, had been deported multiple times but made his way to San Francisco, where he shot and killed Steinle in front of her father.  The reason her murderer was attracted to San Francisco was because of its sanctuary city policy.  He knew that if he made it there, he would not have to worry about ICE coming after him. 


The saddest part is, many liberals simply do not care about the dangers of sanctuary cities.  San Francisco’s elected officials showed absolutely no desire to rethink their policy following Kate Steinle’s gruesome and completely avoidable murder.  Instead, Liberal mayors like Chicago’s Rahm Emmanuel like to virtue-signal and talk about how “welcoming” their community is.  With 762 murders in 2016, Chicago sounds awfully “welcoming”… to the wrong kind of people.  


While liberals can try and call Abbott a racist, bigot and xenophobe for not supporting sanctuary cities, they’re going to have a hard time backing up their claim.  That’s because his wife is of Mexican descent.  It turns out you can oppose sanctuary cities without hating Mexicans.  Imagine that. 


Abbott’s opposition to sanctuary cities is rooted in common sense.  Steinle’s murder could have been avoided had San Francisco city officials bothered to follow Federal Immigration law. Ultra-liberal California might not mind if its cities ignore federal law but Greg Abbott sees things a little differently. He explained to Fox News’s Tucker Carlson, “People need to realize the first role of government is to keep our people safe, and that means removing from the streets those who pose a danger.  As governor of Texas, I cannot allow a San Francisco Kate Steinle situation to be repeated here.”


If more governors were like Greg Abbott, America would be a safer and better place to live.  There are plenty of governors who are willing to risk the safety of their citizens in order to appease the PC police.  It is clear that Greg Abbott is not one of them. 


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