Hillary's Alternative Facts
2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton came
out of the woods on Friday to deliver the Commencement Address at her alma
mater Wellesley College ;
located in Wellesley , Massachusetts . During her speech, she took a shot at
President Trump; telling the graduates “You are graduating at a time when there
is a full-fledged assault on truth and reason.”
This comes from a woman who has assaulted truth and reason many times
throughout her political career. You
might say that Hillary is an expert at coming up with “alternative facts.”
Hillary attempted to empathize with the graduates, many of
whom are probably not thrilled about the election of President Trump, by saying
“We were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency
would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of
justice.” She was talking about Richard
Nixon there; but apparently forgot that Nixon was never actually impeached. He resigned before impeachment proceedings
began. Only two Presidents in the
history of the United States
ever faced impeachment. Andrew Johnson,
who became President following Lincoln ’s
assassination, was the first President to face impeachment and the second one
was none other than Hillary’s beloved husband, Former President Bill Clinton. Both
men were acquitted of their charges and neither was actually removed from
Even if her mix-up about President Nixon was an honest
mistake, Hillary has deliberately misled the American public as she was seeking
the highest office in the land. During the 2008 Democratic primary season,
Hillary famously brought up her “heroic” trip to Bosnia as first lady where she
“landed under sniper fire”. Journalist
Sharyl Attkisson, then a reporter for CBS News, travelled with Mrs. Clinton on
that trip and provided her account of what happened. While Attkisson admitted that going on the
trip presented some security risks, her account of what happened was quite
different than Mrs. Clinton’s. “But I
don’t recall, and did not note, any close calls on this trip with sniper fire
or any other dangers.” In addition, video footage from the
1996 trip shows that Clinton
was greeted, not by sniper fire; but by a little girl handing her a poem. Clinton
initially stood by her statement but later admitted that she “misspoke.”
Everyone should have known that the attack in Benghazi , Libya
on September 11, 2012 that killed four Americans was a
premeditated terror attack. Hillary
certainly knew; which is why she told her daughter Chelsea as well as the
Egyptian Prime Minster that the incident “was a planned attack-not a protest.” But knowing that a terror attack occurring
eight weeks before a United States Presidential Election might hurt her buddy
President Obama’s chances at re-election, she decided to come up with an “alternative
fact.” According to this “alternative
fact”, the terror attack in Benghazi
was actually a spontaneous reaction to a controversial internet video that many
Muslims found offensive. She shared this
“alternative fact” with Pat Smith, whose son died in the attack, at a ceremony
at Andrews Air Force Base honoring the victims. This “alternative fact” was later
shared by the US
Ambassador to the UN Susan Rice on the Sunday talk shows on the Sunday
following the attack.
More recently, in a 2014 interview with ABC News’s Diane
Sawyer, Hillary said that she and Bill were “dead broke” when they left the
White House in 2001. The website
“Politifact” rated this statement “mostly false”. While
the Clintons did have enormous legal bills upon leaving office, they still
managed to buy houses in Westchester County, New York and Washington, D.C.;
each with a price north of $1 million.
Any financial troubles surely melted away as Former President Clinton
collected hefty speaking fees at the ascent of his post-presidency. Apparently,
Hillary “misspoke” again. If there was a
Nobel Prize for misspeaking, Hillary would certainly win it.
As a country, we should all work harder to be more
honest. However, the last person who
should be lecturing people about honesty is Hillary Clinton. Although she will never be the Queen of the United States ,
she will always be known as the Queen of “alternative facts”.
Because I’m such a nice guy, I have created the table below
summarizing the contents of this article with the “alternative fact” on one
side and the fact on the other side.
Alternative Fact
Richard Nixon’s presidency ended in disgrace with his
impeachment for obstruction of justice.
Richard Nixon resigned before any impeachment proceedings
Hillary “landed under sniper fire” in
A greeting ceremony did in fact take place, with a little
girl handing the then-first lady a poem. There were no close calls with sniper fire
on the trip.
Any financial troubles caused by legal bills were sure to
melt away as Former President Clinton was on track to collect enormous speaking
fees in his post-presidency. Also, can
a “dead broke” couple really afford to buy houses with price tags exceeding
$1 million?
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