SOS: Save Our Swamp
While it’s true that many in the elite mainstream media
despise President Trump because of his personality, the main reason the media
and his other detractors hate him so much is because he has promised to “drain
the swamp”.
Although he did not use the phrase “Drain the Swamp” until
late in the campaign season, everyone knew that that was exactly what he was
going to do should he manage to get elected. That is why it was critical for the left and
its allies in the media to do everything possible to stop him from getting
elected; most notably by leaking the unflattering Access Hollywood tape two
days before the second presidential debate.
When Trump defied all odds and managed to actually win the
election, the swamp creatures tried to convince members of the Electoral
College to go rogue and not vote for Trump.
When that didn’t work, they all got together and promised to go down
every rabbit hole to ensure that Trump’s “swamp-draining agenda” would never
get passed. Some on the far, far left
including Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) openly admit that their ultimate goal is to
impeach the President.
Those that are not trying to sabotage Trump’s presidency by
getting him impeached are instead trying to suck him into the swamp that he
promised to drain. These are the people
that are encouraging him to abandon his campaign promises and support
“establishment” initiatives such as “comprehensive immigration reform” and the
neo-conservative foreign policy that the voters have rejected.
The swamp people have a lot of tricks up their sleeves and
should not be underestimated. One of
their favorite tricks is forum shopping.
This is where litigants seek to get their cases heard by judges that are
sympathetic to their point of view. It
should come as no surprise that those opposed to President Trump’s travel ban
brought suit in areas under the jurisdiction of the Ninth Circuit Court of
Appeals, which is known for its high volume of liberal judges. Fortunately for the President, the Ninth
Circuit is also known for its high amount of overturned decisions.
The media loves to point out President Trump’s approval
ratings are unusually low for a brand new President. Perhaps that is to direct attention away from
their own abysmal approval ratings. According
to a survey by the Media Insight Project, only 6 percent of Americans have a
great deal of confidence in the media.
That same survey also found that a whopping 4 percent of Americans have
a great deal of confidence in Congress. Way to go, swamp people.
So far, President Trump has only made minor inroads in the
daunting task of draining the swamp.
These inroads have come in the form of executive orders rolling back
Obama-era regulations. This is certainly
a good start but there is still much work that lies ahead. It seems as if Congress will be of little
help in enacting term limits, another swamp-draining initiative. They really seem to like mooching off taxpayers
with six-figure salaries all while exempting themselves from Obama Care, which
they claim is just the greatest thing ever.
The swamp people have benefitted from the status quo, which
President Trump has promised to shake up.
They don’t have to worry about their jobs moving overseas or getting
kicked off of their healthcare plan. Even
if a member of Congress gets defeated in their bid for re-election, they can
always find a job as a lobbyist or a political commentator on a major news
The “America First” movement is a threat to those who have
spent their entire careers putting themselves first. Just about every member of the swamp is bought
and paid for. Nearly every single
Democrat is bought and paid for by Planned Parenthood (which is why it never
gets defunded) and far too many Republicans are bought and paid for by the
Chamber of Commerce (which is why the wall hasn’t gotten built yet).
While all of the folks inside the beltway are chanting “Save
Our Swamp”, everyone outside of the beltway should politely remind President
Trump that in order to make America Great Again, it is imperative that he keep
his promise to “Drain the Swamp.”
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