The Resurrection of Saint Obama

Many Christians celebrated the resurrection of their Lord and Savior about a month ago on Easter Sunday.  The man who many consider to be the Democrats’ messiah, Former President Barack Obama, resurfaced late last month following a well-deserved vacation with billionaire Virgin Airlines founder Richard Branson. (Wait, I thought the Republicans were the party of the rich).


He made his first public appearance since leaving the White House at the University of Chicago late last month, where he promised to return to his roots as a community organizer and help mold the next generation of leadership.  I wonder if that should be taken as a sign that he has no faith in the Democratic bench as it stands right now.  


Obama’s disciples were not happy to learn that he agreed to speak to Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald for a $400,000 fee.  Taking money from Wall Street is heresy in the church of liberalism. Obama spent his political career lambasting those who did so.  Even Elizabeth Warren, one of his potential successors, has criticized him for his apparent 180.  


Most recently, Obama delivered a speech at the JFK Presidential Library; after receiving the Profile in Courage award in his honor.  It did not take long before Obama went into full lecture mode.  He took a veiled jab at the American right,  mentioning how “Our politics remains filled with division and discord, and everywhere we see the risk of falling into the refuge of tribe and clan and anger at those who don’t look like us or have the same surnames or pray the way we do.”  But he neglects to mention that it is the American left who falls into the refuge of tribe and clan and anger at those who don’t think like they do.  Apparently, he’s never heard of safe spaces.


He was briefly critical of his own party, saying “Those of us who consider ourselves, those of us who are Democrats, we’ve got some soul-searching to do to see what kind of courage we show.  We have our own dogmas.”  He brought up those left-wing dogmas throughout his speech; mentioning climate change, dreamers, and all of the wonderful things Obama Care has done for our country.


It seems very unlikely that the left will take Obama’s “soul-searching advice.”  The Democrats are clinging to their dogmas harder than a little boy clinging to his mother on the first day of kindergarten.  The party has made it clear that its pro-choice stance is non-negotiable; even causing Chris Matthews to admit that this extreme position on abortion might have repelled voters who may have otherwise voted for the Democrats in the 2016 election.  I have not checked with Chris Matthews to see if the speech Obama gave at the JFK library gave him a thrill up his leg.  


So what’s next for Obama’s disciples?  It appears as if they are going to spend every day between now and January 20, 2021; “resisting” President Trump; whom they believe to be the second-coming of Hitler or Satan.  Strangely enough, many of Obama’s disciples are responsible for the election of Trump; as they either did not vote in the 2016 General Election or supported a third-party candidate such as the Green Party’s Jill Stein.  Obama’s disciples were not nearly as enthusiastic about Hillary Clinton as they were about the “chosen one.”   Had they held their nose and voted for her, their votes may have made the difference in the closest of swing states including Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  


The Resurrection of Saint Obama confirms that he is not going to sail off into the sunset and take up oil painting.  He is going to remain an active voice in the Democratic Party, which is moving further and further to the left.  In twenty years, Obama may be considered a moderate Democrat.  Still, it appears as if he will retain the title of messiah to many liberal Americans for years to come.  


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