Ever since he was elected, corrupt members of the deep state a.k.a. the Swamp have been leaking classified information to the press in attempts to damage President Trump.  The good news is that in the last week, we have made remarkable progress in determining who those leakers are. 

When most people think of the deep state, they probably think of geriatric career bureaucrats who have not ventured outside of the beltway in fifty years.  However, the first intelligence official arrested for leaking classified information to the press turned out to be 25-year old Reality Winner, an intelligence specialist employed by Pluribus International Corporation in Georgia; a company that works closely with the National Security Agency.  Prosecutors allege that Winner gave classified NSA documents detailing Russia’s attempts to hack the 2016 US Presidential Election to The InterceptThe Intercept’s article based on the leaked documents was published on June 5, two days after Winner’s arrest.  Winner’s family has described her as “not highly political”; however, that is a load of crap.  Anyone who bothers to read Winner’s social media accounts would see that she despises President Trump; whom she has referred to as an “orange fascist” and “a soulless ginger orangutan.”  Although the information she leaked to the press did not actually damage the President that much, she has still become a left-wing folk hero.  President Trump’s archenemy Rosie O’Donnell referred to Winner as “a brave patriot” and donated money to a “relief fund” that was created to help the 25-year old leaker.  It’s a shame that Rosie didn’t use that money to buy a plane ticket to Canada, which she promised to do if Trump was elected President.  If for some reason she does not end up serving jail time, Winner will surely be offered a co-hosting gig on “The View” or be invited as a guest of honor by a liberal Senator to next year’s State of the Union address.  If convicted, she could face up to 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.  I’m sure Rosie and Friends would be glad to pick up the tab.  It seems likely that Ms. Winner will play up her gender and youth in order to illicit sympathy from the prosecutors; but she should face the reality (pun intended) that those who break the law must face the consequences of their actions regardless of their age or gender. 

The second leak was orchestrated by Former FBI Director James Comey; who asked one of his friends, a Columbia University professor, to leak the contents of one of his memos describing his interactions with President Trump to the New York Times.  In this particular memo, President Trump reportedly asked Comey to “let go” of the investigation into his former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.  Comey thought it was important to leak this memo in light of President Trump’s tweet saying “James Comey had better hope that there are no ‘tapes’ of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!”  This tweet came three days after Comey was fired by President Trump.  Comey defended his decision to leak the memo by saying “I needed to get that out into the public square.  As a private citizen, I thought it important to share that.  I wanted to get that out.”  Comey hoped that the leak would force the appointment of a Special Counsel. His wish came true, as Robert Muller was appointed Special Counsel for the Russia investigation just two days after the memo was leaked.  The Former FBI Director admitted to orchestrating the leak while testifying under oath to the Senate Intelligence Committee last week.  Comey claimed that the leak was not classified because it was based on personal “recollection.”

These two leaks are just a small sample of the leaks of classified information that have been sent to the Trump-hating press in an effort to sabotage the Trump administration. Fox News’s Sean Hannity put together a complete list; which was assembled before news of Reality Winner’s arrest broke last week.  You can check it out below.  I circled the leak that James Comey admitted to orchestrating; the brains behind all of the other leaks listed below remain unidentified. 

There is no doubt that these leaks have slowed down the implementation of President Trump’s America first agenda; which is exactly what the leakers want.  The swamp creatures are diametrically opposed to this agenda; which seeks to shake up the status quo of unaccountable bureaucracy in Washington.  It is not too late to drain the swamp.  President Trump should put together a war room, preferably featuring Corey Lewandowski, to address all questions regarding leaks and the Russia investigation.  This will allow the President to focus on fulfilling his campaign promises that include building the wall, repealing Obama Care, and implementing tax reform.       


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