Money Can't Buy Everything...Especially Elections

Perhaps in an ultimately unsuccessful effort to appeal to disaffected Bernie Sanders supporters, Hillary Clinton promised that if elected President, she would appoint a justice to the Supreme Court that was committed to reversing the Court’s decision in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.   In Citizens United, the Court ruled 5-4 that it was unconstitutional for the government to limit the amount of money voluntary associations such as corporations and labor unions can contribute to a political campaign.    I find it quite strange that Hillary would seek to undo a Supreme Court decision that she directly benefitted from.


In the 2016 Presidential Election, Hillary outspent Trump by a nearly 2-1 margin and still lost.  Talk about buyer’s remorse. Perhaps it never occurred to liberals that money is not the only variable that influences the outcome of election. If money really has the enormous effect on politics that the opponents of the Citizens United decision say it does, then there is no way that Hillary could have lost.  Maybe there is no need for the Supreme Court to overturn Citizens United after all; since the voters seem to be rejecting the better funded candidates in favor of the more thrifty ones. 


Apparently, the Democrats did not learn one of the most important lessons of Election 2016; which is that no amount of money can buy an election.  They pumped more than $30 million into Tuesday’s special election for Georgia’s 6th congressional district and that still wasn’t enough to convince voters to vote for their guy, 30-year old documentary filmmaker Jon Ossoff; who didn’t even live in the district.  Republican Karen Handel defeated Ossoff, capturing 52 percent of the vote to his 48 percent.  The seat was formerly held by Tom Price, who resigned earlier this year to become the Trump Administration’s Secretary of Health and Human Services. Liberals were hoping that they could use this election, as well as all other special elections, as opportunities to hold referendums on President Trump’s job performance.  These attempts blew up in their face; as the voters reaffirmed their support for President Trump’s agenda every single time they had a chance. 



Liberals say they oppose Citizens United decision because they hate that wealthy Wall Street hedge fund managers with little regard for the interests of the common man have so much influence in American politics.  But what makes liberals think that the overpaid Hollywood hotshots that invest millions of dollars in their campaigns give anymore of a crap about everyday Americans than the Wall Street big wigs that they claim to hate so much?  Nothing says out of touch like a group of sanctimonious half-wits who live in gated communities while reprimanding the rest of the country for not embracing open borders.


Democrats mistakenly believe that everyone shares their “values”, which is why they are always so surprised when they fail to win an election.  As of late, their “values” seem to consist of nothing more than opposing President Trump every step of the way and making sure that his Presidency is an absolute failure so they can win back the White House and resume their master plan of turning America into “just another brick on the wall.” The Democrats never take responsibility for losing an election; it always has to be someone else’s fault.  “Repressive” voter ID laws most frequently receive the blame when the Democrats lose an election.  Occasionally, they manage to concoct other theories. The scapegoat for their loss in the 2016 Presidential Election was Russia; while crappy weather was the scapegoat for their loss in this week’s special election in Georgia.  Failure to spend enough money and an absence of endorsements from Hollywood celebrities were definitely not the reasons they lost both of those elections. 


In an interview with Tucker Carlson last night, Charles Krauthammer said that the majority of Democrats do not have a coherent ideology or overarching message; they instead have constituencies.  The Democrats rely heavily on these constituencies, which include blacks, Hispanics, pro-abortion zealots and younger voters to put them over the top.  The Democrats appeal to these constituencies by convincing them that whites are racist, promising amnesty for illegal aliens, putting Planned Parenthood on a pedestal and offering to provide “free” college tuition, birth control, and healthcare. Krauthammer went on to explain that this scheme occasionally works, as it did twice with President Obama.  It should be painfully obvious to the Democrats by now that relying exclusively on identity politics is no substitute for not having a message other than “Resist.”             



Apparently, Democrats have never heard the expression “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”  If they keep making the same mistakes over and over again, it won’t be much longer before  George Soros and most of Hollywood go completely broke and the Democrats will have no more seats in Congress than they do right now. Until liberals finally realize that all the money in the world means nothing without an inspiring message, they will continue to blow millions of dollars without reaping any rewards.                


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