Is Discrimination Always a Bad Thing?

According to the left, discrimination is always a bad thing and those who discriminate do so because of bigotry and hatred.  Never mind the fact that the left actually discriminates despite painting themselves as anti-discrimination crusaders striving to create a completely egalitarian society.  Just ask the New Wave Feminists, a group of pro-life women who were not allowed to march at the Women’s March on Washington because the organizers disagreed with their stance on abortion.  Most people rarely consider the possibility that the left might be wrong about discrimination, instead blindly accepting their declaration as an undeniable truth. In some cases, discrimination is not only a good thing, but a necessary thing.            

For example, let’s look at the military. Recruiters definitely engage in discrimination, placing strict physical fitness requirements on those hoping to serve.  They do not discriminate because of hatred; they discriminate because they do not want to send an ill-prepared person into combat. Instead of whining about it and complaining to the ACLU, most people who fail to meet the physical fitness requirements strive to better themselves so they can meet those requirements in the future.  Also, the physical fitness requirements are different for men and women; since the two sexes are biologically different, contrary to what the left wants people to believe.    

The elite Ivy League Universities also engage in a large amount of discrimination.  They only accept applicants with extremely high GPAs and test scores.  Most people who apply to the Ivy Leagues already know this; which usually motivates them to work really hard on their school work rather than getting wasted and partying. For those who can’t make the Ivy Leagues, there are plenty of other colleges and universities to choose from. 
Landlords are another group that engages in discrimination.  Many landlords forbid their tenants from owning pets.  That sucks for me, as someone who has a cat, but I can’t really blame them for not wanting scratched up carpets and the stench of a litter box. Fortunately, there are plenty of landlords who do allow pets.  Once again, the free market sorts it all out.  In a liberal utopia, many employers would frequently face lawsuits for making job applicants perform a drug test.  There is a reason behind this "discrimination"; because in certain jobs, drug use could considerably hinder an employee’s job performance.            
Western societies are beginning to experience the consequences of not discriminating.  In the United States, banks began giving out mortgages to people who could not afford to pay them back; thus leading to the housing crisis of 2008 that brought our economy to a screeching halt.  Nearly a decade later, we still have not fully recovered from “The Great Recession.”  Our free-for-all welfare state has loosened the requirements for receiving government benefits, thus reducing people’s incentive to take their lips off the teat of the big government nanny state and look for a job.  Only a liberal would consider half of all Americans receiving some type of government benefit an accomplishment. In an effort to appear compassionate, members of the political left (and some on the right) have embraced an open borders philosophy in recent decades.  In the United States, many Democrats believe that everyone has a right to immigrate to the United States.  They see preventing anyone from entering the United States as an act of discrimination.  I bet Europe wishes it had been more discriminatory in its immigration policy.  Engaging in a little bit of discrimination could have saved them billions of dollars in addition to the hundreds of innocent lives taken in recent years thanks to terrorist attacks perpetrated by radical jihadists who just pour in from the Middle East.  Yet many still exist who fail to notice (or willfully ignore) the correlation between open borders and the rise of Sharia courts, segregated ethnic enclaves, and rape epidemics.  Instead of appearing virtuous, liberals who have embraced open borders come across as quite stupid.   
Most reasonable people should agree that the left’s attempts to abolish discrimination have gone too far.  By abolishing discrimination, they have also abolished the time-honored tradition of meritocracy.  Several schools no longer recognize valedictorians due to fear of making less intelligent students feel inferior. This makes the students who worked really hard in order to achieve the title of valedictorian feel like their work is unappreciated. Some on the far left have started hurling accusations of discrimination at those not wanting to date transgender people.  Possibly ranking among the top 10 dumbest statements ever made, transgender activist “Zinnia Jones” tweeted out “I don’t see a problem with telling straight guys who are exclusionary of trans women partners that they should try to work through that.”  In other words, guys who only want to date biological females with female private parts are now considered bad people in this brave new progressive world.  Discrimination is commonplace in the “wonderful” world of dating as people seek to narrow the pool of potential mates down to just one.   
 In our politically correct culture, the word “discrimination” has a stigma attached to it.  Sometimes discrimination is unjust but in other cases, it is absolutely necessary.  In some cases, not discriminating can actually be more dangerous than discriminating.  Liberals are unlikely to ever admit that discrimination is not always a bad thing; since the idea of living in an oppressive and discriminatory country feeds the victimhood narrative that they rely on to win elections.  If liberals really want to become anti-discrimination purists, they should start handing out driver’s licenses to twelve year olds.  But they won’t; they only care about discrimination against their constituencies.  The discrimination debate is not over yet; it has only just begun. 


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