Untold Stories of the MSM
100 years
after the Russian Revolution replaced the Romanovs with the Bolsheviks and more
than a quarter century after the fall of the Soviet Union, you would hardly
think that Russia would
consume so much air time in 2017; considering all the other fish we have to fry
such as ISIS and North Korea . However, it would come as quite a surprise if
did not end up making a list for the 10 most talked about stories of 2017. “New
Day”, CNN’s morning program, spent 2
hours and 16 minutes on Russia
Wednesday morning. After years of
downplaying the threat to the United States
posed by Russia , the media
and the Democrats now consider Russia
our number one national security threat.
Beginning shortly after President Trump’s election, they have been
incessantly peddling the narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in order
to secure an election victory. Even as
weeks and months go by without a smoking gun, they will not let it go.
The media’s
most recent obsession revolves around a meeting Donald Trump Jr. had with a
Russian lawyer at Trump
Tower five months prior
to the 2016 Presidential Election. The
lawyer, Natalia Veselnitskaya, claimed to have dirt on the President’s opponent
Hillary Clinton. No evidence exists that
then-candidate Donald Trump had any knowledge of the meeting. The meeting bore little fruit in Team Trump’s
quest for opposition research as Ms. Veselnitskaya used the meeting to talk
about Russian adoption. In an interview
with NBC News earlier this week, Veselnitskaya claimed to have no affiliation
with the Russian government; poking a hole in the collusion theory. After this story first broke, Trump Jr.
released all e-mails pertaining to this meeting. One of the e-mails informs Trump Jr. of the
existence of incriminating information on Hillary Clinton’s dealings with Russia and talks about how this is “part of Russia
and its government support for Mr. Trump.”
Following the release of this e-mail, Sen. Tim Kaine (D-VA), the
Democrats’ 2016 Vice Presidential Nominee, suggested that Trump Jr. committed
an act of treason when he agreed to the meeting. Make no mistake: the media and the Democrats
will not stop pushing this narrative until President Trump is either impeached
or defeated in his bid for re-election.
I mentioned
this in one of my school newspaper articles last year; but I feel like it’s
worth mentioning again. In 1992, two of
the Sunday morning talk shows hosts that supposedly report “objectively” had
major roles in Democratic presidential campaigns. “Meet the Press” host “Sleepy Eyes” Chuck
Todd worked for Iowa Senator Tom Harkin’s unsuccessful bid for the Presidency
while “This Week” host George Stephanopoulos worked as the Communications
Director for Then-Arkansas Governor Bill Clinton’s successful presidential
campaign. Study after study has shown
that the mainstream media is loaded with partisan Democrats. Bernie Goldberg, who worked at CBS for nearly
three decades, wrote about this phenomenon in his book Bias, published
in 2000. The media’s bias got so
out of hand in the age of Obama that Goldberg wrote another book called A
Slobbering Love Affair. In this
book, Goldberg provides cold-hard numbers that show that the American media has
supported Democratic presidential candidates consistently for about half a
century. These statistics prove the
media’s left-wing bias far beyond a reasonable doubt. Many of the American people, especially those
on the right, first realized this a long time ago while others are just waking
up to this sad truth; most likely as a result of the release of e-mails from
Wiki-Leaks that expose the cozy
relationship between the Democrats and the mainstream media.
Since the
media is convinced that collusion is a mortal sin, you would think that they
would display equal outrage about a Politico report that Hillary Clinton and
the DNC colluded with the Ukrainian government to try and prevent Donald Trump
from becoming President. However,
because of the reasons I mentioned in the previous paragraph, the mainstream
media barely even bothered to cover this story when it was first published six
months ago. The media eagerly abandons
its traditional watchdog role in order to protect the Democratic Party; which
has done its share of mingling in other countries’ elections, as well as
encouraging other countries to mingle in ours. Let’s not forget that Former
President Obama did everything he could to make sure that Israeli Prime
Minister Benjamin Netanyahu failed to win re-election; spending hundreds of
thousands of dollars in taxpayer money to bolster his opponent. Three decades earlier, liberal hero Ted
Kennedy penned a letter
to the Soviet Union where he offered to help
boost the image of Soviet leader Yuri Andropov through a series of TV
interviews in exchange for help from the Soviet government in derailing Ronald
Reagan’s re-election bid. Kennedy’s
genius idea blew up in his face as President Reagan’s 1984 re-election saw him
capture the largest electoral college landslide in United States History;
winning 525 electoral votes to his opponent’s 13.
acting as if the meeting between Donald Trump Jr. and a mysterious Russian
lawyer will ensure the end of the Trump Presidency is clearly mistaken. The
mainstream media wants the American people to focus on this “collusion”, hoping
they will ignore the blatantly obvious collusion between the MSM and the Clinton campaign. The Democrats also want to keep the
Trump-Russia collusion story alive; hoping no one finds out about Ted Kennedy’s
push for Soviet interference in the 1984 Presidential election. Slowly but surely, the American people are
finding out these hidden secrets. It
should not be much longer before more people trust palm readers than the
mainstream media.
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