Total Eclipse of the Left

A quote attributed to Rahm Emmanuel, President Obama’s former Chief of Staff who currently serves as Mayor of Chicago, perfectly explains the actions of the President’s critics over the past week.  “Never let a crisis go to waste.”  Liberals have seized the opportunity created by the unrest in Charlottesville to ramp up their attacks on the President and his supporters.  In addition, they are calling for the removal of every Confederate statue across the country.



In an interview promoting his new documentary “An Inconvenient Sequel”, Former Vice President Al Gore suggested that President Trump should resign.  Even if Trump took Gore’s advice, Republican Mike Pence would finish out the remainder of his term.  Well, maybe not.  In a recent episode of “The View”, far-left panelist Joy Behar asked Maxine Waters, a relentless advocate for the President’s impeachment, if she thought Pence would make a better President than Trump.  Waters responded by saying “No. And when we finish with Trump we have to go and get Putin.  He’s next.”  Like her colleague Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Waters apparently has a hard time remembering names.  She obviously meant to say “Pence” instead of “Putin.”  In the unlikely event that all of Maxine Waters’ wishes come true, the Presidential line of succession indicates that the Speaker of the House would become President if both the President and Vice President can no longer carry out their duties.  Waters probably hopes that her close friend Nancy Pelosi will be Speaker of the House by the time all of this actually plays out.  Is this all part of the left’s master plan?         


In addition to pounding the President incessantly, many on the left have now decided to go after his millions of supporters as well.  Apparently, they failed to see the damage Hillary Clinton’s infamous “basket of deplorables” comment did to her Presidential bid.  Jimmy Kimmel used his late night talk show to deliver a message to the Trump voters, telling them “You picked the wrong guy.”  I wonder how libertarian-leaning Adam Carolla, one of Kimmel’s closest friends, feels about that comment. In an appearance on CNN earlier this week, Michael Moore likened Trump supporters to rape enablers.  Not one to shy away from controversy, Moore continued by saying “If you still support the racist, you’re a racist.”  It amazes me that the people who claim to be so tolerant are often the least tolerant.  The same people who go after conservatives for painting “all Muslims” and “all immigrants” with a broad bush are quite fond of painting “the deplorables” with a broad brush.      


Missouri State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal takes the cake for the most outrageous comment of the week.  While having a conversation on her personal Facebook page, the State Senator said “I hope Trump is assassinated.”  Needless to say, the Secret Service is looking into the Facebook post to determine if it violated Federal law. Chappelle-Nadal later deleted the comment and admitted it was inappropriate but initially refused to apologize before issuing a public statement on Sunday.   In the wake of her comment, the Chairman of the Missouri Democratic Party called for her resignation as did Democratic U.S. Senator Claire McCaskill.  Chappelle-Nadal has made it clear that she has no intentions of stepping aside.


Since Charlottesville, the debate over what to do with Confederate statues has intensified.  Many on the left demand their immediate removal while many on the right believe local municipalities should have the ability to decide for themselves whether or not to remove the statues.  It didn’t take long for some liberals to start demanding the removal of statues of Thomas Jefferson and George Washington because they owned slaves.  The Federalist has compiled a list of all of the monuments liberals want to take down; which includes Mount Rushmore and the Jefferson Memorial, two of the nation’s biggest tourist attractions.  A group of black pastors had previously asked the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery to remove its bust of Margaret Sanger; the founder of Planned Parenthood, who has achieved sainthood status in the religion of liberalism. The group of pastors penned a letter to the Director of the National Portrait Gallery explaining Sanger’s racist beliefs and support for eugenics.  The letter also mentions how millions of black babies have lost their lives because of abortion and points out that many Planned Parenthood clinics are located in areas with large minority populations.  Since liberals always claim that voter ID laws disproportionately affect racial minorities, you would think they would show equal outrage at the cold-hard numbers that show how abortions disproportionately affect racial minorities.  Two years after that letter was written, Sanger’s bust remains on display in the “Struggle for Justice” exhibit alongside Martin Luther King Jr. and Rosa Parks.  Something tells me liberals won’t start demanding the removal of Margaret Sanger monuments anytime soon.  Apparently, inventing birth control is enough of a penance to wash away the sin of racism, more so than writing the Declaration of Independence or leading the fight for American independence.  Maybe if Washington and Jefferson were pro-choice, liberals would let their statues stay up.


The fabulous Lauren Southern pointed this out in one of her recent videos, “Public monuments of historical figures are not supposed to be idols that we celebrate and worship for their perfection.  They are meant to capture moments in history that keep us connected to the realities of our past; that means the good and the bad.”  The removal of Confederate statues will not erase the unpleasant experiences of African-Americans in the past, nor will they automatically raise disenfranchised African-Americans from rags to riches. The presence of these statues does not mean that the United States endorses slavery; we don’t.  The Thirteenth Amendment to the United States makes that pretty clear.       




Fortunately, there is one thing that everyone can get excited about, regardless of their political persuasion: the solar eclipse.  The entire nation will get to experience a partial solar eclipse but only a small strip stretching from Oregon to South Carolina will get to experience a total solar eclipse; where the moon completely blocks the sun’s light, thus creating complete darkness in the middle of the day.  This is the first time in nearly a century that a solar eclipse has been visible across the entire United States.  Check out these maps for more information on the solar eclipse.  To those who plan on watching the eclipse, be sure to exercise caution and only look directly at the eclipse through the NASA-approved eclipse glasses.  I would hate to see my loyal readers go blind.  To those who cannot watch today’s solar eclipse, the next total solar eclipse will occur on April 8, 2024.  I sure hope we will be a much more united country by then.                            


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