Mr. Trump Goes to Manhattan

The 72nd General Assembly of the United Nations has officially begun as leaders from all over the globe convene at the organization’s headquarters in the Big Apple.  The United Nations is one of the many supra-national organizations created after World War II with the intention of preventing the breakout of World War III.  Will more accomplishments come out of the 72nd UN General Assembly than the 115th United States Congress?  At this point, it would not surprise me if the answer to that question turned out to be yes.          


On Tuesday, President Trump gave his first speech to the United Nations General Assembly in New York City.  His speech managed to win some praise from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, one of our closest allies on the world stage; as well as some of his Republican critics, including Jeb Bush and Mitt Romney.  In his speech, he promised to put American interests first and called out Iran for its state sponsorship of terrorism.  He also talked about the drawbacks of uncontrolled migration; something few other United States Presidents, and even fewer fellow world leaders, would have the guts to do.  The President demonstrated courage by offering constructive criticism of the 193-nation bloc by pointing out that the organization often focuses too much on “bureaucracy and process” as opposed to results as well as highlighting that some governments with horrendous human rights records sit on the Human Rights Council. 


Needless to say, the President’s adversaries in the mainstream media wasted no time piling on criticism of the speech.  MSNBC host Lawrence O’Donnell called the speech the “worst ever delivered by the United States at the United Nations”, specifically expressing his disapproval of the President’s decision to refer to the morbidly obese North Korean Dictator as “Rocket Man.  Perhaps the President’s critics would have preferred it if he spent the entire speech ripping Russia to shreds and talking about the enormous threat posed by climate change.        


 Not surprisingly, President Trump’s UNGA debut also failed to impress Hillary Clinton, his Democratic rival in last year’s Presidential election.  Appearing on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert”, Clinton criticized the President’s tone as “dark” and “dangerous.”    She also disapproved of his tough talk against North Korea, saying “You should lead with diplomacy.  You should lead with the commitment of trying to avoid conflict however you can.”  However, a recent public service announcement featuring Morgan Freeman seems to directly contradict the “Diplomacy First” doctrine by inviting conflict with Russia.  The tone of that PSA, produced by the newly created “Committee to Investigate Russia” came across as much darker than President Trump’s speech at the UN.  The Committee, which consists of liberals and neoconservative Never-Trumpers, presents itself as a “nonprofit, non-partisan resource provided to help Americans recognize and understand the gravity of Russia’s continuing attacks on our democracy.” The group apparently feels that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s far-reaching investigation into the matter, for which he has hired several lawyers who have donated to the Democratic Party, does not go far enough. 


Hollywood and the left’s tough talk on Russia represents a complete reversal of their long-standing position on the country.  For much of the Cold War, the Democrats dismissed the threat from the USSR; much like they dismiss the threat from radical Islamic terrorism today.  Ted Kennedy even colluded with the communist nation in an effort to undermine President Reagan’s 1984 re-election bid.   Remember that during one of the 2012 Presidential Debates, President Obama told Mitt Romney that “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back—because the Cold War has been over for 20 years.” The Democrats only started to give a crap about Russia after their “historic” Presidential Candidate lost because of alleged Russian interference.  Did it ever occur to these people that Russia has always tried to create chaos in the United States since long before Hillary Clinton burst onto the national political stage?  Ann Coulter made a great point when she said that “It would be a big help, though, if Democrats could support good causes when it mattered.”     


The sanctimonious foreign policy experts in Hollywood fail to realize that the United States has a lot more to gain than lose when it comes to working diplomatically with Russia.  While Russia certainly has a lot of black marks on its soul, the world faces many more dangerous threats at the present moment including the Rogue Regime in North Korea; led by “Rocket Man” Kim Jong-Un and the ISIS savages in the Middle East who have used the internet to spread their influence into many western countries.  The fact that European countries leave their borders wide open certainly does not help the counter-terror efforts. The United States can use all the help it can find in defeating its most dangerous enemies.  If Russia can help us defeat ISIS, we should let them.  


During his time at the UN this week, President Trump held meetings with several world leaders; including South Korean President Moon Jae-in and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe.  At that particular meeting, the President announced that he had just signed an executive order that would direct the Treasury to target North Korea’s trading partners, in the hopes that punishing the rogue regime economically will convince Kim Jong-Un to “denuclearize.”  While Chinese President Xi Jinping did not attend the meeting, President Trump praised China’s Central Bank for directing Chinese banks to stop conducting business with North Korea.  The tubby tyrant responded to these actions as well as the President’s speech earlier this week by referring to President Trump’s threats as “mentally deranged behavior” and describing the US Commander-in-Chief as “a rogue and a gangster fond of playing with fire.”  Talk about projection.  Perhaps someone needs to take a look in the mirror.   


First Lady Melania Trump gave a speech of her own at the United Nations Wednesday; focusing on cyberbullying, an issue she has discussed passionately during her time as First Lady.  She totally disproved feminist comedian Chelsea Handler’s claim that she “can barely speak English.” To no one’s surprise, many people preferred to focus on the pink dress that the First Lady wore during her speech rather than the substance of her address.  A member of The Telegraph’s fashion team compared Mrs. Trump to a “Barbie Michelin Man.  Others compared her to “The Blueberry Girl” from “Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory” and a “bright pink hot air balloon.”  Wait a minute, I thought it was sexist to talk about a woman’s outfit choices.  My bad, I forgot that rule only applies to liberal women.         


Hopefully, any of President Trump’s successful maneuvers on the world stage will allow him to jump-start his domestic agenda; especially tax reform and building the wall. The American people would definitely appreciate it if Congressional Republicans could finally unite around the Trump agenda the same way the UN Security Council has united to impose sanctions on North Korea.  If the Republican Congress fails to deliver on the promises it has repeatedly made to the American people, it should not take much longer before its approval rating drops below Kim Jong-Un’s.    


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