Make America Fun Again

With Halloween just around the corner, the PC police across America have begun to work overtime; making sure that nobody dares to dress up in a costume that someone somewhere might consider offensive. Two years ago, the left got all bent out of shape when the President of the University of Louisville and some of his staff decided to dress up in Mexican attire at a Halloween party. They saw this as an example of cultural appropriation; a mortal sin in the Church of liberalism, where one culture adopts the elements of another culture.  No wonder Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have no desire to perform on college campuses; today’s kids have absolutely no sense of humor.  The left sees cultural appropriation as racist but Lauren Southern has a different take.  She argues that cultural appropriation is actually cultural appreciation.  I agree with her assertion that liberals need to lighten up.


But it does not look like that will start happening anytime soon.  Now, one school in Massachusetts has decided to wage a war on Halloween; cancelling the Halloween parade because “the parade is not inclusive of all students.”  In lieu of Halloween, the students at Boyden Elementary School in Walpole will celebrate “black and orange” day.  This sounds like something that the “South Park” character PC Principal would do.  I guess it just illustrates the stranglehold that PC culture has on American public schools.  I know I speak for many when I say thank God I have graduated from school.  As more SJWs graduate from college and accept positions as public school teachers and administrators, the situation will get worse before it gets better.       


The left’s assault on Halloween should not come as that much of a surprise. For years, the secular left has waged a war on Christmas; claiming that celebrating Christmas at public schools excludes those who celebrate Hanukkah or don’t celebrate anything at all.  Schools across the country hold Christmas concerts at their peril, knowing that the ACLU and/or the Freedom from Religion Foundation could very well file a lawsuit against them.  Their contempt for Christmas goes far beyond the public school.  The city of Plantation, Florida brought a lawsuit against the Hyatt family over their giant Christmas display, which includes “more than 200,000 lights, a movie screen, snow, a 30-foot-tall tree and even a Ferris Wheel for stuffed animals.”  The story made national headlines and Fox News’s Jesse Watters travelled down to Plantation to confront the mayor.  After a lengthy period of litigation, a judge ruled in the Hyatt family’s favor; arguing that the city failed to provide enough evidence that the display created a public nuisance.  The election of President Trump, perhaps the least politically correct President in United States History, signaled that many folks have grown weary of the War on Christmas.  Candidate Trump once suggested boycotting Starbucks over its generic red “holiday cup.”  The President told an enthusiastic crowd at one of his rallies earlier this year, “We’re going to start saying Merry Christmas again.”  As Christmas gets closer, we’ll see if conservatives can declare victory in the War on Christmas with President Trump in office.    


In addition to taking the fun out of Halloween and Christmas, liberals also tried to ruin school lunches.  The Healthy Hunger Free Kids Act, spearheaded by Former First Lady Michelle Obama, gave the US Department of Agriculture the authority to dramatically alter the school lunch program; requiring all students purchasing school lunch to buy fruits or vegetables as part of their meal and limiting the amount of protein and carbohydrates in the meal selections.  For the record, when the mandate went to effect during my senior year of high school, I bought apples and gave them away.  As with all good intentions proposed by liberals, the master plan backfired.  Rather than eat the fruits and vegetables, many students just threw them into the trash.  A study conducted by The University of Vermont found that waste of fruits and vegetables in school cafeterias increased more than 56 percent after the mandate took effect.  The study proved that the Federal government can’t legislate the preferences of people’s taste buds.  Students at Wallace County High School in Kansas came up with a creative video parodying the song “We Are Young” to express their disapproval of the mandates.  The video became extremely popular; amassing more than a million views on You Tube.        


Fortunately, the Federal government has finally decided to address the concerns of students across America.  Earlier this year, the Trump Administration rolled back some of the regulations; including the whole grain and sodium requirements.  Agriculture Secretary Sonny Perdue put it perfectly when he said “If kids aren’t eating the food, and it’s ending up in the trash, they aren’t getting any nutrition—thus undermining the intent of the program.”  Schools that wish to keep the Obama era regulations in place still have the option to do so; the Trump Administration’s actions merely allow schools to provide meals that their students will actually eat.  Let freedom ring.  


While liberals love to talk about freedom when it comes to sex and abortion, their actions when it comes to Halloween, Christmas and school lunches illustrates that they don’t really care about freedom at all.  Liberals apparently want to end the American experiment in self-government as envisioned by our Founding Fathers in favor of an aristocracy where the cultural elites get to decide what’s best for the American people.  The cultural elites include the academics in ivory towers, the celebrities in Hollywood, the mainstream media and a behemoth of unelected bureaucrats in DC sometimes referred to as the “deep state.”  Liberals want the Federal government to control every aspect of American everyday life; from healthcare to education.  President Obama and Hillary’s mentor Saul Alinsky should rejoice that today’s liberals have followed his blueprint for creating a social state to a T.  It saddens me that liberals have such limited trust in the American people.


Fortunately, President Trump seems to trust the American people.  At the same rally where he promised that we would start saying Merry Christmas again, he decried those who wish “to centralize authority among the hands of a small few in our nation’s capital.”  He went on to say, “But we know that parents, not bureaucrats, know best how to raise their children and create a thriving society.  And we know that families and churches, not government officials, know best how to create a strong and loving community.”  No wonder liberals have decided to use another Alinsky tactic to try and take down President Trump, who stands in the way of the left-wing utopian social state: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  They have relied on that tactic, one of Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” since the day President Trump announced the launch of his Presidential campaign.        


I do like the chant President Trump makes at the end of his rallies.  The chant usually goes something like this, “We will Make America Strong Again, We Will Make America Proud Again, We Will Make America Wealthy Again, and yes together We Will Make America Great Again.”  I think he needs to add into his chant “We Will Make America Free Again” and “We Will Make America Fun Again.”  I hope that someday political correctness will go the way of the dinosaurs and people can dress up as whatever they want for Halloween and say Merry Christmas without having to worry about losing their jobs and livelihood.  When that day comes, we can declare Operation “Make America Fun Again” a success.         


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