The Anti-American Revolution

At the beginning of the Iraq War, The Dixie Chicks went to London, where they told their audience that “We’re embarrassed that the President of the United States is from Texas.”  I have a feeling they would have received a different reception had they made those comments in Texas.  The Iraq war ended up bringing back the Anti-Americanism that became widespread in America throughout the Vietnam War.     


The Anti-American Revolution took a temporary pause during the Obama Presidency as Michelle Obama declared “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”  Many members of the elite ruling classes who relentlessly criticized the Bush administration considered any criticism of the Obama Administration racist.  R. Lee Ermey had done several GEICO commercials playing a drill sergeant but GEICO stopped airing his commercials after he made comments critical of President Obama’s economic policies at a Toys for Tots rally.  Rob Schneider, a recent convert to conservatism, pointed out the state of political discourse in Hollywood, saying “We are sliding very fast towards fascism.  It’s an ugly kind of thing…If you do criticize or tend not to be directly along a liberal stand, you can get murdered.”    


Since the election of President Trump, the Anti-American Revolution has resumed at an astonishing speed.  The purveyors of the Revolution have found a formidable foe in our 45th President, who used the phrase “Make America Great Again” as his campaign slogan.   In the past week, two high-profile women have gone overseas to trash President Trump.  Hillary Clinton did an interview with the BBC’s Andrew Marr to promote her blame-all memoir What Happened.  The subject of Harvey Weinstein, a major Democratic donor who now faces several allegations of sexual assault, came up during the interview.  “This kind of behavior cannot be tolerated anywhere, whether it’s in entertainment, politics.”  Marr then did something no American interviewer would ever do; he called her out for dismissing the allegations against her husband despite the fact that she had previously said that “every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed and supported.”  She responded to that question by saying that “That has all been litigated…That was clearly in the past.”  Bill O’Reilly would definitely consider that an example of dodging the question.  During the interview, she made sure to claim that “we have someone admitted to being a sexual assaulter in the White House.”  Corey Lewandowski had the best comeback, saying “There was a sexual assaulter in the White House.  He was called Bill Clinton.”            


Jane Fonda, who became known as Hanoi Jane after photographs surfaced of her chumming it up with the Communist North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War, also did an interview with BBC.  It should have come as no surprise that she responded with a “no” when the network asked her “Are you proud of America?”  Not much has changed in half a century.  She did, however, manage to praise the resistance, saying “I’m proud of the people who are turning out in unprecedented numbers and continue over and over again to protest what Trump is doing.”  Unfortunately for “the resistance”, “turning out in unprecedented numbers” does not lead to electoral success since members of “the resistance” live clustered together in urban areas that already favor the Democrats.  Most people in Middle America outside of college towns and big cities do not sympathize with the far left.    


At home, the Anti-American Revolution continues.  The NFL Protests provide the best example of this.  Many football players have decided to follow Colin Kaepernick’s lead and kneel during the national anthem following statements President Trump made at a rally in Alabama last month where he suggested that NFL owners should fire players who kneel during the anthem.  The left has now planted its flag on one of the last apolitical institutions left.  The kneelers supposedly want to use their platform to protest police brutality and racial injustice although many, including President Trump and many who served in the Armed Forces, view these actions as disrespectful to our country and our flag.  Many Americans find it contradictory that these extremely well-paid athletes would want to protest the flag of the country that has allowed them to succeed.  After NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said that he would not punish players for kneeling during the anthem, The Trump Make America Great Again Committee started a petition seeking signatures of those who think that the players should stand for the National Anthem.   


A far more dangerous arm of the Anti-American Revolution operates overseas.  Many America-hating regimes seek to obtain nuclear weapons that could wipe America off the face of the earth; if they have not developed them already.  North Korea has repeatedly taunted the United States with threats of launching ballistic missiles at Guam or the west coast and most recently threatened an “unimaginable strike.”  In the Iran Nuclear Deal, we gave these America-haters billions of dollars and got virtually nothing in return since the deal requires that inspectors give Iran 24 days’ notice before inspecting nuclear facilities.  If Iran was really serious about curbing its nuclear program, it would allow unannounced inspection of its nuclear facilities.  In addition to its hatred for America, Iran harbors an even stronger animus against its primarily Jewish neighbor Israel.  President Trump angered the deal’s supporters when he decided not to re-certify the deal last week; allowing Congress to decide whether or not to impose sanctions on the number one state sponsor of terrorism.  While ISIS as a state has suffered significant damage, the ideology of radical Islamic terrorism still poses a serious threat to the United States.  The birthplace of this dangerous ideology may lie overseas; many American citizens have become sympathetic to it as a result of radicalization via the internet.  The President has tried to keep people with viewpoints diametrically opposed to Western Civilization out of the country by issuing travel bans on terror-prone Muslim-majority countries that the Obama Administration viewed as national security threats; yet judicial activists keep declaring his travel bans unconstitutional.  Left-wing judges often serve as willing accomplices helping to ensure the progression of the Anti-American Revolution.


The people behind the Anti-American Revolution want a divided country because they know that “A nation divided against itself cannot stand.”  I found it quite ironic when President Obama criticized the “old politics of division” while campaigning for Democratic candidates for Governor when his political campaigns relied heavily on identity politics; which encourages people to have pride in their individual identities rather than stressing our common American identity.  Former Presidential Candidate Bobby Jindal had a great point when he said “I am done with all of this talk about hyphenated Americans…We are all Americans.”


During a press conference yesterday, White House Chief of Staff John Kelly pointed out the consequences of the Anti-American Revolution, saying “You know, when I was a kid growing up, a lot of things were sacred in our country.  Women were sacred, looked upon with great honor.  That’s obviously not the case anymore as we see from recent cases.  Life-the dignity of life-is sacred.  That’s gone.  Religion, that seems to be gone as well.”  The Anti-American Revolution often works in tandem with the broader “cultural revolution” to destroy the sanctity of our institutions.  The forces of the Anti-American Revolution will not go down without a fight.  The election of President Trump proves that enough people still exist with the courage to fight the good fight.         


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