The Ungrateful Undead: The Rise of Unthankfulness
The media is blasting President Trump for two of his
latest tweets. In the first tweet,
the President went after Oakland Raiders running back Marshawn Lynch for taking
a knee during the American National Anthem but standing for the Mexican
national anthem; arguing that the league should have suspended Lynch for the
remainder of the season. The Raiders played
against the Patriots in Mexico City
Sunday. Lynch and other SJWs should know
that Mexico is a far more
corrupt and unjust country than the United States . But don’t expect them to let the facts get in
the way of their Anti-American crusade.
Perhaps Lynch and his fellow anthem protesters could start up a football
team in Mexico
since they seem to like our neighbor to the south much more than the country
that has given them so much opportunity.
That would certainly make NFL sponsors like Papa John’s happy. The #BoycottNFL movement that began when a
series of football players decided to kneel during the National Anthem has
taken a toll
on the pizza chain’s sales. Papa John’s
sales may hurt even more after the company did a 180,
saying that it believes in protesting inequality and supports “the players’
movement to create a new platform for change.”
In his tweet going after Marshawn Lynch, President Trump correctly
pointed out that the protests have caused NFL attendance and ratings to
actions led the President to strike back on Twitter, saying “Now that the three
basketball players are out of China
and saved from years in jail, Lavar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is
unaccepting of what I did for his son and that shoplifting is no big deal. I should have left them in jail!” As Bill O’Reilly pointed out, “Trump has every right to call out the ingratitude
of LaVar Ball. The man’s son was spared the Chinese criminal justice system
because Trump intervened. Mr. Ball then insulted Trump. Anyone who defends Mr.
Ball is misguided in the extreme.” Not surprisingly, Ball has found many
defenders in the mainstream media. The
dynamic duo on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” called President Trump racist for
criticizing Ball’s ingratitude. One of
the media’s favorite “Republicans” Joe Scarborough put on his psychoanalyst
hat, saying
“There’s racist overtures here. The black
man was not appreciative of what the white man did for him and it’s a dog whistle
to say the least.” Tomi Lahren had it
right when she said
that “Donald Trump is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Can you imagine what they would have said if
Trump hadn’t stepped in? Oh, the race
card would have been slapped down so hard our ears would still be ringing.” It looks the mainstream media has a little gratitude
problem of its own that has no signs of disappearing anytime soon.
As for
UCLA, they suspended the three basketball players indefinitely upon their
return to the United States . The Trump-Ball feud continued on Twitter this
morning, where the President referred to Ball as an “ungrateful fool.” For his part, Ball seems to really enjoy all
of the attention. In my opinion, POTUS
probably should have let this one go by now, but hey, Trump will be Trump.
ought to know that ungratefulness leads people to stop doing nice things. Why bother if people don’t appreciate it? President Trump might decide not to issue
anymore calls to the widows of Gold Star families after Rep. Frederica Wilson
(D-FL) made it look like the President behaved insensitively when calling the
widow of Sgt. La David Johnson, who died last month in Niger . Keep in mind that Presidents don’t have to
make those calls; in many cases, they decide to send letters instead. A few days after President Trump called Mrs.
Johnson, White House Chief of Staff General John Kelly held a press
conference where he came to the President’s defense, saying “If you elect
to call a family like this, it’s about the most difficult thing you can
imagine. There’s no perfect way to make
that phone call.” Because of the
controversy that resulted from his phone call to the widow of Sgt. Johnson,
President Trump may choose to make a lot less phone calls in favor of writing a
lot more letters.
On second
thought, perhaps I have been a little too tough on Lynch and his fellow anthem
protesters. With professors like Ward
Churchill, Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn teaching the next generation to hate
America ,
it should not come as a surprise that the Anti-American movement continues to
gain momentum. It also doesn’t help that
influential figures in the black community like Al Sharpton, politically
correct politicians like Bill De Blasio, and the mainstream media seem to have
a vested interest in keeping racial tensions high. Often times, with age comes wisdom; and
hopefully, when the anthem protesters like Lynch and all other millennials
brainwashed into seeing America as a racist and oppressive country get a little
older, they will realize how lucky they are to live in the United States of
America. For the sake of our national
unity, let’s hope that day comes sooner rather than later.
At this
year’s Thanksgiving Dinner, Lavar Ball should give thanks that his son gets to
spend the holiday with him rather than behind bars in a Communist country. As President Trump said, “Lavar, you could
have spent the next 5 to 10 years during Thanksgiving with your son in China.”
Meanwhile, Marshawn Lynch should give thanks that he lives in a country that
his given him much opportunity and success.
Lynch should also give thanks that he lives in a country that gives him
the freedom to do stupid things, like kneel for the national anthem. In Castro’s Cuba , which liberals have a
tendency to romanticize; political dissidents can often end up in prison for
speaking out against the government.
Thanksgiving right around the corner, I find the “unthankfulness” of Lynch,
Ball and others quite troubling. The
Thanksgiving holiday encourages Americans to temporarily abandon the
materialistic attitude of always wanting more that our culture constantly
promotes and instead give thanks for what they actually do have. Thanksgiving has become more important than
ever in an era when greed has replaced gratitude as one of America ’s hallmark virtues. If more people actually took time to reflect
on and appreciate the blessings in their lives that they so often take for
granted, we could become a much happier country. I would like to close by wishing all of my
loyal readers a very Happy Thanksgiving. As for me, I will post a list of everything I
am thankful for on Friday.
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