2017: A Tough Year for the Mainstream Media
If the American people learned nothing else in 2017,
they got a firsthand look at the corruption and bias that plagues the
mainstream media. If the media had to suffer through malpractice lawsuits like
medical professionals do, they definitely would have spent a lot of time in
court this past year.
A pipe bomb exploded in a New York City subway passageway last Monday;
injuring four people, including the 27 year-old Bangladeshi national who
intended to serve as a martyr for Allah.
Fortunately for the American people, his evil plan of killing as many
Americans as possible backfired. Instead
of getting 72 virgins, he got 72 stitches.
He will probably spend the next 72 years rotting in a jail cell. The explosion took place less than six weeks
after a truck driven by a radical Islamic terrorist rammed into pedestrians on
a bike path by the Hudson River , killing eight
people. While no one died from the
explosion, you would think that the mainstream media would find an attempted
terrorist attack in the nation’s largest city worth covering, especially since ISIS had previously promised
to go after The Big Apple during the Christmas season. However, CNN disagreed; apparently finding it more
important to talk about President Trump’s diet just about an hour after the
news of the explosion first broke. CNN
had previously aired a story earlier this year detailing that the President got
to eat two scoops of ice cream with his dinner while everyone else at the table
only got to eat one. Surely, the
American people could not go to sleep at night without knowing that
The mainstream media’s overwhelmingly negative
coverage of President Trump, largely a result of Trump Derangement Syndrome,
has provided quite a contrast to the “Slobbering Love Affair” between the so-called
fourth estate and Former President Obama.
CNN actually devoted time on air comparing
the interior of a dog’s ear to President Trump’s face. The dog in question had an ear
infection. The mainstream media
apparently suffers from a brain infection that causes them to devote air time
to this crap. You would think the same
people who see criticizing a person’s physical appearance as a mortal sin would
want to lead by example. Then again, if
not for double standards, the left would have no standards at all.
While the media sometimes chooses to cover stories
that warrant hardly any attention at all, they have also completely humiliated
themselves several times this year by publishing false stories, taking things
completely out of context or making outrageous statements. Their losing streak began before President
Trump even took office. During Jeff Sessions’ confirmation hearings in early
January, MTV culture writer Ira Madison posted an outrageous statement on
Twitter, saying
“Sessions, sir, kindly return this Asian baby to the Toys-R-Us you stole her
from.” The “Asian Baby” in question
happened to be Sessions’ granddaughter, who sat on his lap as the Democrats on
the Senate Judiciary Committee did their best to engage in a character
assassination against Sessions. The
left had previously tried to smear Sessions as a racist when President Reagan
nominated him for a Federal judgeship in 1986. Their scare tactics ultimately worked, as Sessions
withdrew his nomination after failing to win over the support of the Senate Judiciary
Committee. While I recognize that MTV
may not seem like a mainstream media outlet at first glance, keep in mind that
the lines between entertainment, news and opinion have basically disappeared in
the age of social media. Just look at
how the late night TV hosts have decided to abandon their roles as comedians in
favor of serving as mainstream media journalists.
Only in rare cases do the mainstream media own up to
their mistakes. Zeke Miller, a Time
Magazine reporter, inaccurately claimed
on Twitter that President Trump had removed the Martin Luther King Jr. bust
from the oval office. In fact, the MLK
bust remained in the oval office; a cameraman had merely obstructed it from
Miller’s view, causing him to jump to his inaccurate conclusion. To his credit, Miller apologized upon
realizing his mistake. White House Press
Secretary Sean Spicer highlighted Miller’s mistake as “a reminder of the media
danger of tweet first check facts later.”
Had Hillary won the election, she may have decided to put a bust of
Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger in the oval office. In my opinion, she could have taken the one
from the Smithsonian’s “Struggle for Justice”, as the eugenicist Sanger
definitely does not deserve to share the stage with Martin Luther King Jr. and
Rosa Parks.
The media made
it look like the First Lady of Poland refused to shake hands with President
Trump, who visited the Eastern European country earlier this year. The video in question that the media cited as
evidence of the Polish First Lady snubbing President Trump shows her walking by
the President and choosing to shake hands with America ’s First Lady Melania Trump.
The portion of the video where the
Polish first lady actually shook hands with President Trump after shaking hands
with Melania was cut off. Polish
President Andrzej Duda weighed in on Twitter, saying “Contrary to some
surprising reports my wife did shake hands with Mr. and Mrs. Trump @POTUS after
a great visit. Let’s FIGHT FAKE
Liberals seem to have an obsession with handshakes. The Washington Journal published a fake news
story accusing President Trump of refusing to shake hands with a disabled child
visiting the White House. The boy’s
mother actually went after Harry Potter author JK Rowling, who accused
President Trump, whom she apparently views as worse than Voldemort, of “looking
deliberately over a disabled child’s head, ignoring his outstretched
hands.” Even the fact-checking website Politifact,
which many argue has a liberal
bias, awarded Rowling’s Statement “Pants on Fire.”
As Hurricane Harvey struck Texas , the media decided to obsess over
First Lady Melania Trump’s choice of shoes; slamming her for wearing high heels
as she departed the White House. Has
anyone else noticed the superficial nature of liberals? I feel quite confident that the people of Texas who had lost
everything they own to a natural disaster could have cared less what shoes the
First Lady decided to wear.
Most recently, the media has published stories
spreading rumors about personnel changes on Capitol Hill. Late last month, reports surfaced alleging
that Secretary of State Rex Tillerson planned to leave his post in January. Tillerson dismissed
the idea of his resignation as “laughable.”
NBC News had previously reported
that Tillerson referred to the President as “a moron”, which President Trump
slammed as “fake news.” Politico reported that House Speaker Paul Ryan
planned to retire after the passage of tax reform, a cause that he has devoted
his entire two-decade career in public service to. Ryan responded
to the report by saying “I am not going anywhere anytime soon, and lets just
leave that thing at that.”
An actual personnel
change took place last week when the White House announced former “Apprentice”
contestant Omarosa Manigault Newman’s departure from the Trump Administration. The
Wall Street Journal portrayed her exit as tumultuous, with one “unnamed
White House official” telling the Journal that the Secret Service “physically
dragged and escorted (Omarosa) off the campus.”
The Secret Service pushed back, saying “Reporting regarding Secret
Service personnel physically removing Omarosa Manigault Newman from
@TheWhiteHouse complex is incorrect.” The
media would greatly increase their credibility by not relying so much on
anonymous officials.
Maybe I should cut the mainstream media a little more
slack. After all, 2017 did not turn out
the way they planned. The candidate they
worked so hard to elect did not win.
Instead of electing Barack Obama 2.0, the American people chose to elect
a man who actually fights back against media bias. The mainstream media resents the fact that
their propaganda campaign to prevent the election of President Trump did not
pay off.
With Christmas just around the corner, the mainstream
media definitely earned its spot on Ainsley Earhardt’s naughty list. The media
has a chance to redeem itself in 2018 but don’t hold your breath. They will likely continue destroying their
credibility by acting as an opposition party to President Trump for the next
four or eight years.
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