Paul Ryan Recognizes The Death of the West

At a Press Conference on Thursday, House Speaker Paul Ryan caused many heads to turn when he said, “Baby boomers are retiring.  I did my part but you know we need to have higher birth rates in this country.  Meaning, baby boomers are retiring and we have fewer people following them in the workplace.”  If I had to guess, I would say that the baby boomers in Congress, which increasingly resembles the geriatric ward at an average American hospital, will be the last members of the “Worst Generation” to retire; unless Congress somehow manages to pass term limits.   Ryan illustrated the hard numbers to help make his point.  America faces a 90 percent increase in the retiring population with only a 19 percent increase in the working population.  In other words, the survival of our republic will require people to have more babies.  People like Pat Buchanan have said that for years; it’s nice to see the establishment finally catching on. 


Low birth rates have also created another problem, where there are not enough younger people to pay for the entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare, that the retiring baby boomers will rely upon.  That might explain why House Republicans want to tackle entitlement reform despite the fact that President Trump promised not to touch entitlements as a candidate.  Entitlement programs eat up an enormous amount of the Federal budget and serve as the main culprit in the never-ending rise in our national debt.  Millennials would find themselves quite lucky if those programs still exist by the time they retire.  Currently, the United States has a fertility rate of 2.0 children per woman, slightly below the replacement rate of 2.1 children per woman.    



The Democrats see “comprehensive immigration reform”, their codeword for amnesty, as the solution to America’s demographic shortfall.  Families from so-called developing countries, which have not yet fully adopted the tenets of third-wave feminism, have much higher birth rates than the developed countries.    The left doesn’t seem to care that many of the amnesty candidates only further burden our entitlement system; in fact it benefits their electoral bottom line, as people dependent on government handouts loyally support the Democrats.  Always keep in mind that the Democrats’ concern for the American economy is secondary to their desire for a new electorate more likely to vote for them.  According to Laura Ingraham, “The Democrats mostly want to replace those old, white yahoo conservatives with a new group of people who might be a little more amenable to big government, who don’t necessarily have a big affection for the Second Amendment or our Constitution.”  Liberals who constantly demonize western culture have cheered about the coming extinction of Americans of European descent, whom they view as the root of all evil.  To the delight of the elders in the Church of Liberalism, the United States Census Bureau predicts that white Americans will no longer represent a majority of the US population by the year 2050.  Considering the fact that non-whites vote for the Democrats by an overwhelming margin, the Democrats cannot wait for that day to come.        



The decline in birthrates began with the invention of “the pill” in the 1960s, which allowed people to have lots of sex without having to worry about lots of babies.  Unfortunately, the most radical feminists have successfully convinced many American women to view their naturally ordained vocation of motherhood as a disease despite the fact that research shows that housewives and stay-at-home moms report higher levels of happiness than any other profession.  Although most women probably would not know that if they watched most TV shows, which do not portray marriage and housewives in the best light.   Cultural shifts have changed the childbearing practices in the United States.   In the 1940s and 1950s, the average woman got married a lot younger than most women do today, allowing them to have a lot more babies.  As more women entered the workforce and pursued higher education, many of them began waiting longer to settle down.  Prior to the Cultural Revolution that figuratively flushed bourgeois culture down the toilet, women started having children right after getting married while today’s women who actually bother to get married generally like to wait until a few years after their marriage to start having kids.  Also, more children today choose to pursue higher education; which makes it more expensive for families to have a lot of children.  Both of my parents, born in the 1950s, have five siblings roughly spaced out over ten years.  In my mom’s case, she grew up in a house with only three bedrooms; meaning that each bedroom had three kids in it, with my grandparents sleeping in the third bedroom.  The bedrooms obviously became less crowded as the older kids moved out.  Today’s kids, myself included, find themselves a lot less inclined to room sharing.  My brother has three kids, each of whom has their own room.         


The falling birth rates are not an uncommon occurrence in Western countries.  Their birth rates have steadily declined over the past half-century and projections shared in The Death of the West show the population decline continuing well into the twenty-first century.  “In 1960, people of European ancestry were one-fourth of the world’s population; in 2000, they were one-sixth; in 2050, they will be one-tenth.  These are the statistics of a vanishing race.” (Buchanan, 26).  In the wake of the population hemorrhaging, some countries have become so desperate that their governments have actually offered financial incentives encouraging their citizens to have more children; effectively instituting the polar opposite of China’s “one child” policy.  Other countries have thrown their borders wide open to help make up for the population loss, with disastrous consequences.  The falling birth rates result directly from the decline of religiosity that has plagued the west since the dawn of the Cultural Revolution.      


Not all of America bears responsibility for our plunging birthrates.  Unfortunately for liberals, the high birth rates are mostly concentrated among religious families from red states.  Examples of such families include The Duggars, the stars of the former reality show “19 Kids and Counting” who have 19 children and Rep. Sean Duffy (R-WI) and his wife, TV personality Rachel Campos Duffy, who have eight children.  As M. Stanton Evans pointed out, “Believers in religious doctrine, the traditional family and pro-life attitudes on abortion are systematically outperforming their secular-liberal opponents in the demographic sweepstakes-having appreciably more children per couple –resulting in a fertility gap that works against the liberals.”  Taking that into account, it should come as no surprise why liberals feel so passionately about DACA. 


While it is important for as many people as possible to follow Paul Ryan’s suggestion and have more babies, his suggestion does not apply to everyone.  People should always make sure that they have the financial resources and stamina required for raising a child before deciding to procreate.  Bringing a child into the world without meeting those criteria does him or her a great disservice.  Every child deserves a loving home with a supportive mother and father up to the challenge that parenting presents.  Sometimes unfortunate circumstances, such as premature death by one of the parents, prevent that from happening but society should still put the nuclear family on a pedestal.  Restoring reverence for the once universally revered traditional family that the left has done everything in its power to destroy and undermine provides an important first step in reversing the death of the west.     


Should a larger number of American families decide to have more babies, that will certainly help the effort to Make America Great Again.  It will certainly take a lot of effort to reverse the damage that the thinking that resulted from the Cultural Revolution has caused America and the west as a whole.  Fortunately, a brave new group of culture warriors including Lauren Southern and Faith Goldy have demonstrated themselves up to the task.  Based on the comments he made last week, they have found themselves an unlikely ally in the Speaker of the House.                 


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