Unlikely Targets of the Liberal Mob

Earlier this year, MSNBC host Chris Matthews compared the Trump family to the Romanovs; hoping that the Trumps would face the same fate as the family that ruled Russia for 300 years, where the Bolsheviks forcibly removed them from power during a Civil War.  However, it seems as if anyone will face the same fate as the Romanovs, it will be the liberal mob; who have started cannibalizing one another to advance the causes of the Cultural Revolution.  Let’s take a look at some examples.


Eleven months ago, actress Meryl Streep had all of the left gushing over her speech at the Golden Globes; where she criticized the incoming President.  Now, a series of posters of Streep’s face with the phrase “She knew” covering her eyes have popped up in Los Angeles. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal, Streep denied that she knew anything about her close friend’s predatory behavior.  Yet, apparently her fellow comrades just don’t believe her.  I wonder how long it will take before the liberal mob demands that the Oscar-winning actress give back the Golden Globe she won earlier this year.     


During the past couple of months, we have seen the consequences of letting the liberal mob take over.  Low Republican engagement in the Alabama Senate Special Election allowed Democratic Senate Candidate Doug Jones to prevail in the deep red state.  As this thought-provoking article points out, only about 49 percent of Trump’s 2016 voters turned out for Republican Roy Moore while about 92 percent of Clinton’s 2016 voters turned out for Democrat Doug Jones.  Those numbers do not account for crossovers.  The Alabama Senate race proves that Republicans across the country must turn out in high numbers to prevent more electoral victories by the preferred candidates of the liberal mob.


Thanks to the liberal mob, the last couple of months have also brought the evaporation of the concept of innocent until proven guilty. In an exchange with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Jen Psaki, former State Department Spokeswoman during the Obama Administration, said that just one sexual assault allegation should end a person’s political career.    Apparently, liberals believe that due process only applies to terrorists and illegal immigrants.


The liberal mob has turned on several well-known Democratic politicians as they have faced credible sexual assault allegations.  Al Franken, the Minnesota Senator who many viewed as a potential challenger to President Trump in 2020, became the most notable target of the liberal mob after more than half of his fellow Democratic Senators asked him to resign.  He complied with their request and plans to leave office on January 2.  He announced his resignation five days before many thought that Roy Moore, who also faced serious allegations, would emerge victorious in the Alabama Senate election.  After Moore lost, a few Democratic Senators, including Patrick Leahy of Vermont, indicated that they regretted asking Franken to step down.  They had hoped getting rid of Franken would give them the moral high ground to demand that Republicans expel Moore from the Senate.  Franken’s resignation means that a special election will have to take place next year and the Democrats’ sudden cold feet regarding Franken’s departure indicates that they may have a slight concern that a Republican may win his seat.  This proves that liberals don’t care about principle, they only care about power.  Governor Mark Dayton (D-MN) has appointed Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, who formerly served as a Vice President of Planned Parenthood of Minnesota, to fill Franken’s seat until the special election. 


The sexual assault avalanche has implicated the most senior and junior members of the House of Representatives.   John Conyers, who had served in the House for more than half a century, resigned earlier this month while Freshman congressman Ruben Kihuen (D-NV) announced he would not seek re-election due to sexual assault allegations.  Conyers, the only Congressional Democrat implicated in the sexual assault avalanche whose transgressions took place during his tenure in Congress, probably thought he could get away with his behavior after watching the Democrats give Bill Clinton, Gerry Studds and Ted Kennedy passes for their sexual improprieties.  Kihuen claims that Pelosi and friends knew about the allegations against him during the election yet still campaigned for him anyway.


As for Clinton and Kennedy, it looks like the liberal mob may have finally decided to turn on them as well.  New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), who relied heavily on the Clintons for campaign cash in her Senate campaigns, said that Clinton should have resigned the Presidency due to his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.  Hollywood has produced a film that reflects negatively on the late Senator Kennedy, whose contributions to the Church of Liberalism include the 1965 overhaul of our immigration system and the character assassination of Supreme Court nominee Robert Bork.  The film, titled “Chappaquiddick”, is set for release next year; just one year shy of the fiftieth anniversary of Mary Jo Kopechne’s untimely death.  People should find it quite surprising, that Hollywood, which often acts in tandem with the liberal mob, would produce a film that portrays the man revered by liberals as the “Conscience of the Senate” in such a negative light.  It looks like the era of Camelot has finally come to an end after all.  The liberal mob expects the American people to believe that it’s just a coincidence that the moment of reckoning surrounding the misdeeds of Kennedy and Clinton comes after they no longer have influence in the Democratic Party.    


Jill Stein, the Green Party’s Presidential Candidate in 2012 and 2016, has found herself another unlikely target of the liberal mob.  Ideologically speaking, the physician from Massachusetts has much in common with many in the liberal mob.  In the weeks following the 2016 Presidential Election, Stein called for a recount in the three closet states that led to Donald Trump’s victory; Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.  Electorally speaking, liberals argue that she cost Hillary Clinton the 2016 Presidential Election.  According to this theory, had all of Stein’s voters voted for Hillary, she would have won those states and thus won the election.  Perhaps it never occurred to liberals that had Stein not appeared on the ballot, her voters would have just stayed home.  Fortunately for America, the “Jill not Hill” folks outnumbered the #NeverTrumpers in those key states. 


Stein has now found herself a target of the Russia investigation because she attended a dinner in Moscow with Russian President Vladimir Putin and President Trump’s former national security advisor Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.  Stein denied that any illegal activity took place at the dinner but many liberals have already declared Stein guilty of a crime in the ruthless court of public opinion because of the bad blood between Clinton supporters and Stein over the 2016 Presidential Election. MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow has said that Stein’s silence on Russian interference implicates her as a Kremlin stooge while The Daily Beast’s Casey Michel accused Stein of accepting bribes from the Russian government.  If merely meeting with the Russians makes someone a Russian stooge, then Democratic Senators including Claire McCaskill, Amy Klobuchar, Sheldon Whitehouse and Bob Casey had better watch out.  Those looking for an actual example of collusion with the Russians should look into the Uranium One scandal.  Fortunately, it looks like the Department of Justice intends to do just that; as it announced plans to interview the FBI agents who had previously investigated the Uranium One deal. 



Ann Coulter discussed the liberal mob extensively in her 2011 book, Demonic: How the Liberal Mob is Endangering America.  In the book, she argues that the liberals’ mob mentality dates all the way back to the French Revolution, which she describes as “a textbook case of the behavior of mobs.”  If one looks very carefully, they might find many similarities between the events of the violent French Revolution and the “burn this b****” down mentality celebrated by the mobs that comprise Black Lives Matter and Antifa.


In honor of Christmas, I will not post anything to my blog on Monday.  On Wednesday and Friday, I will take a look at the top ten highlights and lowlights of 2017.  I would like to wish all of my loyal readers and Twitter followers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  I guarantee that I will not disappoint you in 2018; a year that will surely bring many promises and opportunities.         


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