President Obama Develops a Bad Case of Amnesia

During a recent appearance at a tech conference in Las Vegas, Former President Barack Obama told the audience: “I didn’t have scandals, which seems like it shouldn’t be something you brag about…No one in my White House ever got in trouble for screwing up as long as there wasn’t malicious intent behind it.”  President Obama apparently made that statement in an effort to contrast himself with the current Administration.   

During Saturday’s edition of “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” host Jeanine Pirro read the quote aloud and then asked the one and only Ann Coulter to weigh in on that statement: “As long as The New York Times doesn’t call it a scandal, then it’s not a scandal as far as Democrats are concerned.”  She concluded by saying, “There were many scandals.  I have no healthcare.  Thank you, Obama.”

Perhaps President Obama could use a little refresher on some of the scandals that his cheerleading squad in the mainstream media either refused to report on or effectively dismissed as “vast right-wing conspiracies.”    


“Fast & Furious”:  In a plot known as “Fast & Furious,” the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives, a Division of the Justice Department, allowed gun smugglers to purchase guns at federally licensed firearms dealers in Arizona for the stated purpose of tracking and uncovering the entirety of the smuggling operations in an effort to completely shut down.  Many of these guns ended up in the hands of the Mexican drug cartels.  The plot become public after two rifles sold as part of the “Fast & Furious” operation ended up killing Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010.
Katie Pavlich wrote a whole book on the topic called Fast and Furious: Barack Obama’s Bloodiest Scandal and Its Shameless Cover-Up; effectively doing the job that the mainstream media didn’t do.  Pavlich describes “Fast & Furious” as “a calculated and lethal decision to purposely place thousands of guns into the hands of ruthless criminals. The guns weren’t accidentally misplaced or lost. They didn’t just somehow ‘fall into the wrong hands’ by mistake. The operation was a coordinated and planned effort not to track guns but to arm thugs south of the border for political gain.” President Obama’s Attorney General Eric Holder holds the distinguished honor of becoming the first Attorney General to be held in Contempt of Congress for refusing to turn over documents related to “Fast & Furious.” 


The Benghazi Attack: Eight weeks before the 2012 Presidential Election, tragedy struck at two United States government facilities in Benghazi, Libya, killing four, including U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens.  The Obama Administration tried to peddle the narrative that the violence erupted spontaneously as a result of an anti-Muslim video.  That didn’t quite add up, especially considering the fact that the attacks took place on the 11th anniversary of the September 11, 2001 terror attacks. A terror attack would undercut the President’s narrative of a terror-free world as he sought to win re-election. While President Obama did not suffer political consequences as a result of the Benghazi attack, his chosen successor Hillary Clinton certainly did.  Pat Smith, whose son Sean died during the Benghazi attack, spoke at the 2016 Republican National Convention, telling the audience that she blamed Hillary Clinton personally for her son’s death.  Ambassador Stevens had previously asked the State Department, then led by Mrs. Clinton, for additional security but officials at her department had denied the requests.

Documents obtained by Judicial Watch show that Obama staffer Ben Rhodes had told National Security Adviser Susan Rice to make appearances on the Sunday shows blaming the attacks on the video in an effort to “underscore that these protests are rooted in an internet video and not a broader failure of policy.”   If the truth came out, that the attacks did result from a “broader failure of policy,” that would have hurt President Obama’s chances at re-election.  A movie titled “13 Hours” based on a firsthand account of the terror attacks first hit theaters in early 2016.     


The IRS Scandal: Few groups enjoy as much power as the Internal Revenue Service.  The IRS can basically ruin your life if you decide not to pay your taxes on time.  The IRS also gets to make the call as to whether or not a group qualifies for tax-exempt status.  The IRS abused that power during the Obama Administration, with top officials giving conservative groups applying for tax-exempt status extra scrutiny because of their political beliefs.  The IRS either denied these groups tax-exempt status or made sure that they did not receive it until after the 2012 Presidential Election.  During an interview on Super Bowl Sunday 2014, President Obama assured Bill O’Reilly that there was not a “smidgen” of corruption at the IRS.  While the Obama Administration tried to paint Lois Lerner, Director of the Exempt Organizations Unit of the IRS, as a hero who tried to stop the targeting, a Justice Department investigation found that she failed to stop her employees from continuing to target the conservative groups.  Lerner faced no consequences for her actions; she pleaded the Fifth when appearing before Congress and retired from the IRS with a full pension.   

The Trump Administration ultimately awarded the tea party groups targeted by the IRS $3.5 million while none of the central figures involved in the IRS scandal ended up facing criminal prosecution. Rollout: As his party enjoyed large majorities in Congress during his first two years in office, President Obama decided to make healthcare reform his main legacy item.  His idea consisted of forcing young and healthy people to buy health insurance in order to subsidize older, sicker Americans who could not afford it. The Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, also forced health insurance companies to cover those with pre-existing conditions, which has the effect of driving up the premium costs for everyone else to help pay for the people who require a lot of medical care.  Those who refused to buy health insurance would have to pay a penalty. 

A small group of states, mostly blue states, set up their own exchanges.  Those hoping to purchase Obamacare plans in the remaining states had to use the website. first went live on October 1, 2013 with disastrous results.  The website crashed as a result of the high volume of people logging on to purchase health insurance plans.  Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius ultimately took the fall for the unsuccessful rollout, resigning just months after the disastrous website rollout.   

Obamacare required a large amount of deception in order to get passed.  Every insurance plan offered under Obamacare had to cover a series of “essential health benefits.”  Many people ended up getting thrown off their insurance plans because they did not meet the new Federal requirements. In other words, “if you like your healthcare plan, you can keep your healthcare plan” deserves Four Pinocchios.


The Bowe Bergdahl Trade: On May 31, 2014, President Obama announced that he had negotiated the release of Bowe Bergdahl, an Army soldier held captive by the Taliban for nearly five years.  He announced Bergdahl’s release in a Rose Garden ceremony with Bergdahl’s parents by his side.  Many of his fellow platoon mates view Bergdahl as a deserter.  An e-mail Bergdahl sent to his parents just days before his capture bolsters these claims.  In addition, a note he left behind highlighting his desire to renounce his American citizenship and join the Taliban.  Six US soldiers lost their lives as they embarked on a search for Bergdahl.

According to Rolling Stone, who first reported on Bergdahl in 2012, Bergdahl had asked one of his superiors “If I were to leave the base, would it cause problems with my sensitive equipment?” After learning that it would in fact cause problems, Bergdahl left behind his gun, only taking water, a knife, a camera and his diary with him.  

In exchange for Bergdahl, President Obama released five Taliban detainees from Guantanamo Bay.  Under the deal brokered, Qatar would “monitor” the terrorists for one year.   Susan Rice once again did a tour of the Sunday shows, assuring the American public that Bergdahl had served with “honor and distinction.”  Any other narrative would make the Obama Administration look foolish, as the United States had just traded him for five hardened terrorists, whom Senator John McCain described as “the hardest of the hardcore.”   

Bergdahl ultimately pleaded guilty to desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, receiving a dishonorable discharge and a reduction in rank from Sergeant to Private.  It looks like the “honor and distinction” fairytale deserves Four Pinocchios.


Loretta Lynch’s tarmac meeting with Bill Clinton: As the FBI investigated Hillary Clinton’s use of a private e-mail server to send classified information during her tenure as Secretary of State, a local TV anchor caught her husband Former President Bill Clinton meeting with Attorney General Loretta Lynch on her private plane at Phoenix’s Sky Harbor International Airport.  She swore up and down that they only discussed the topics of golf and grandchildren, not the ongoing investigation into his wife’s wrongdoing.  The fact that the conversation lasted 30 minutes justifiably raised some red flags, which Lynch herself described as “perfectly reasonable.”  In an effort to avoid the appearance of impropriety, Lynch ultimately decided to “follow whatever recommendation the FBI and prosecutors make on whether to charge Hillary Clinton.”  To her delight, the FBI ultimately decided not to file any charges against Hillary Clinton, the woman who hoped to succeed her boss.   

The statement made by President Obama in Las Vegas last week should definitely receive a fair amount of scrutiny from the fact-checkers in the mainstream media.   Considering the fact that liberals have a near monopoly on the history textbook writing industry, many future history textbooks will repeat that lie as truth as opposed to an “alternative fact.”  If conservatives ever want the truth to get out, they need to start reversing the “long march through the institutions” and take jobs in the media and Academia.       


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