Alec Baldwin and the New Political Coalitions
Over the years, the Democratic Party has worked to
assemble a loyal coalition, which consists of feminists, minority grievance
groups, immigration activists, younger voters, Academia, Hollywood , and the media. Fox News Contributor and Syndicated Columnist
Charles Krauthammer, who recently penned a letter
indicating that he will soon succumb to cancer, pointed this out on
“Tucker Carlson Tonight” last year as he made the point that Democrats do not
have overarching ideas; they instead have constituencies. They hope that appealing to all of their
individual constituencies will help them reach the magic number of 270
electoral votes in Presidential elections.
The new Democratic coalition looks a bit different from the New Deal
Coalition that helped the Democrats win all but two of the Presidential
Elections from 1932 to 1968.
Dick Morris described the New Democratic Coalition a
slightly different way when describing
President Obama’s campaign strategy in 2012 as offering nothing more than “a
grab-bag of special-interest pleadings for single women, unions, college kids,
and minorities.” Unfortunately, the
campaign strategy paid off. As he
conducted a post-election autopsy in 2012, Rush Limbaugh pointed out that “It’s
very difficult to beat Santa Claus.”
Obama and friends view themselves as Santa Claus giving away “toys” to
their constituencies, who they treat as children who need the government to
take care of them.
In the past several Presidential election cycles, the
roster of Democratic candidates has included several members of these
constituencies. They ran Hillary Clinton, a rabid feminist, in 2016. Their nominee in 2008 and 2012, President
Barack Obama, had a long pedigree in community organizing and sat for twenty
years in the pews of racial arsonist Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s church. Grievance politics experts Al Sharpton and
Jesse Jackson had made a total of three unsuccessful Presidential bids. Larry Lessig, a Harvard Professor, had a
short-lived Presidential campaign in 2016, promising to resign the office as
soon as he implemented his agenda, which focused exclusively on passing the
Citizen Equality Act. Lessig had little
interest in carrying out all of the other responsibilities that come with the
duties of the highest office in the land.
He must have thought he would ride into office on a massive blue wave
because as President Trump has learned the hard way, Presidents often have a
hard time getting Congress to sign onto their legislative agendas; especially
when they differ from the status quo in Washington ,
for better or worse. The Democrats would probably like to have younger voters
such as David Hogg run for President but unfortunately for them, the
Constitution sets the minimum age for running for President as 35.
It looks like the Democrats may have stumbled onto a
new frontier: Hollywood . Alec Baldwin, who scornfully mocks President
Trump on “Saturday Night Live,” told
Howard Stern that he could “absolutely win” the Presidency if he decided to
run. A Hollywood
actor, Ronald Reagan, had previously become President in 1980 but he ran as a
Republican less than two decades after switching his party affiliation. While many see him as a turncoat, keep in
mind that the “old Hollywood ” Ronald Reagan
belonged to had far different political
leanings than today’s Hollywood .
Since the Democrats love using President Trump’s past
against him, specifically the “Access Hollywood” tape, the Republicans would
have plenty of material from the vault to work with in the event of a Baldwin Presidential run.
For instance, his phone
call to his then-twelve-year-old daughter Ireland does not reflect well on
his character; especially considering the fact that the left will try to paint
the President as a misogynist who mistreats women.
In addition, many people have probably forgotten that Baldwin hosted a short-lived TV show on MSNBC that only
aired five episodes. His tenure as a
cable news prognosticator came
to an end after he called a reporter a “c***sucking fag.” He forgot one of the commandments of the Church of Liberalism : You shall not shout
profanities at members of your constituencies unless you are part of that
constituency (see rappers and use of the N word).
Keep in mind that the left will try to paint President
Trump as hostile to the press as he gears up for re-election in 2020. The
remark that cost Baldwin his MSNBC show came
after a series of angry
outbursts at the press. Once again,
this will not help the Democrats contrast themselves with President Trump, whom
they bemoan as vulgar and hostile to the press.
Something tells me Alec Baldwin would not walk out of the White House
before 9:00 in the morning and give an impromptu press conference to a group of
reporters like President Trump did on Friday morning.
Anyone who thought politics could not get any nastier
after the 2016 Presidential Election would definitely have to think again in
the event of a hypothetical matchup between Trump and Baldwin . A hypothetical matchup between Al Franken and
President Trump might have actually gone further into the gutter but Franken’s
Presidential aspirations ended the day that LA Radio host Leeann Tweeden posted
a photo of the Minnesota Senator grabbing her breasts in a frat-boy pose as she
slept on a plane ride home from a USO tour the two had participated in.
At first glance, Robert De Niro would seem like an
ideal running mate for Baldwin . After all, they both despise President
Trump. De Niro has used quite a bit of
vulgarity to express his disdain for the President, most recently with an
appearance at the Tony Awards, where he uttered the words “F*** Trump.” He had previously said that he would like to
punch then-candidate Trump in the face.
Following his appearance at the Tony Awards, he traveled to Canada to
“apologize” for President Trump’s behavior.
Unfortunately, the Constitution prevents Baldwin and De Niro from
running together on the same ticket; as they both live in the State of New York .
It looks like retiring Congressman Luis Gutierrez, who
checks off two boxes, might have his eye on a spot on the Democratic ticket in
2020. He recently tried for a gold
medal in the Race Baiting Olympics when he claimed that Jeff Sessions
wanted blacks to sit at the back of the bus again. Ted Kennedy had previously
achieved a lifetime achievement award in the Race Baiting Olympics when he
claimed that President Reagan’s nominee to serve on the Supreme Court, Robert
Bork, wanted blacks to sit at segregated lunch counters.
The 2016 Presidential Election presented some “family feuds” and it looks like the 2020 Presidential Election would offer more of the same in the event of a Baldwin-Trump matchup. President Obama’s half-brother, Malik Obama, actually endorsed President Trump, who invited Malik to one of the Presidential debates as a guest. In 2020, Alec Baldwin’s brother Stephen, a rare Hollwyood Republican who appeared as a contestant on “The Celebrity Apprentice,” would probably endorse President Trump over his brother.
As for his pronouncement that he could “absolutely
win,” Baldwin might have more trouble than he
would think taking on President Trump in 2020.
Even CNBC Analyst Jane Wells asserted
that as long as the economy remains healthy, President Trump should have no
trouble winning re-election in 2020: “I am the sort of person that says you may
not like this president, he has broken the mold, but if by 2020 we have GDP
growth near 4 percent, we’ve got a market like this, we’ve got record low
unemployment, we got more jobs than applicants…and maybe we have peace in
Korea. How do you not re-elect this guy, even if you think he’s a buffoon?” In other words, Bill Clinton had it right when
he said “It’s the economy, stupid.” All
of the other superficial crap that the mainstream media obsess over will have
little bearing on voters’ decision when casting their ballots on November 3,
Although personal anecdotes really don’t determine the outcome of elections, the left should not underestimate the popularity of President Trump, even in areas where the conventional wisdom says Republicans As my father and I headed into Connecticut over the weekend, a group of demonstrators stood in front of pro-Trump signs, equipped with phrases such as “Hillary for Prison” and “Women for Trump” signs as they hoped to get passers-by to honk their horn or acknowledge them. This took place at the
Whoever ends up as the Democratic Presidential Nominee
in 2020 will have to go up against the Trump coalition; which will hopefully
consist of social conservatives who have had enough of the “Good Without God”
experiment, blue collar workers who have watched their jobs get outsourced,
traditional liberals who have grown weary of the far left’s rejection of free
speech and civil liberties, and maybe at least some of the Evan McMuffin voters
who have realized that President Trump does not represent the threat to
democracy they thought he did. The
Democrats hope that importing members of their coalition, namely low-skilled
immigrants, into the country in addition to giving blanket amnesty to the
millions of illegal immigrants already living in the United States will help them
permanently shut the Trump coalition out of power. Their plan has already succeeded beyond the
scope of their wildest dreams in California
and it looks like they have achieved some degree of success in keeping
Republicans from capturing the electoral votes in Nevada ,
New Mexico , Colorado ,
and Virginia .
But they did not count on the Trump
coalition’s strength in states like Michigan , Pennsylvania , and Wisconsin ;
which no Republican Presidential candidate had carried since at least 1988. The Democrats hope that further amnesty,
which Republicans foolishly seem to want to pass, could permanently
turn swing states such as Florida , Arizona , North Carolina ,
Georgia , and even Texas blue, effectively
nullifying President Trump’s success in the Rust Belt.
The two coalitions will continue to drift apart as the
2020 Presidential Election gets closer. Hopefully,
the Trump coalition will emerge victorious and help to “keep America great.”
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