The New Cold War

During World War II, the United States Government reluctantly worked with the Communist Soviet Union to take down an even larger enemy: Adolf Hitler.  After World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union, the world’s largest superpowers at the time, had an antagonistic relationship for nearly half a century in a period of American history known as the Cold War Era.  As World War II effectively wiped out fascism in Italy, Germany, and Japan, the United States began to identify a new enemy to freedom everywhere: communism. 

During the Cold War era, the United States participated in some “hot wars,” where military intervention took place; such as the conflicts in Vietnam and Korea, where the United States took the side of South Korea and South Vietnam over their communist counterparts.  The United States never formally went to war with the Soviet Union but the threat of war loomed large for decades.  During the “Second Red Scare,” Americans lived in fear of infiltration by the government and/or Hollywood by Soviet spies and/or members of the Communist Party. Those opposed to the campaign of Barry Goldwater tried to scare voters by telling them that the Republican Presidential candidate would start a nuclear war with the Soviet Union. 

The Cold War came to an end in the late 1980s and early 1990s, when the Berlin Wall came down, East and West Germany reunited and the old Soviet Union split up into several different countries; creating the map of Europe that we have today. Following the Cold War, Radical Islamic Terrorism has replaced communism as the most imminent threat to freedom across the world.    

For years, the left and right have given each other the cold shoulder despite the fact that they appear to agree on more than they might think; such as giving amnesty to illegal immigrants and promoting “regime change” in the Middle East.  However, the “cold war” between both sides of the political aisle appears to have finally reached a boiling point. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders decided to eat at the Red Hen Restaurant in Lexington, Virginia; located 200 miles southwest of the White House.  The owner of the restaurant kicked her out after consulting with her staff, agreeing to pay for her meal that she didn’t get to eat.  After Sanders and her husband went home, her in-laws remained in the area and decided to try to eat at the restaurant across the street.  The owner of Red Hen Restaurant gathered a group of protesters who harassed them as they ate inside the restaurant. 

At least libertarians consistently argue that businesses have a right to refuse service to people.  The same liberals who kicked Sanders out of the Red Hen Restaurant would scream bloody murder if any Christian business owner dared to refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding. 

Speaking of chickening out, Jimmy Fallon has consistently remained the least politically unhinged of the three late night hosts.  Late in the 2016 Presidential Election season, Fallon had Trump as a guest on his show, where the candidate let Fallon mess up his hair to settle once and for all whether or not he wears a rug. Many liberals went nuts, accusing Fallon of “humanizing” Trump; whom the left sees as a subhuman dictator who presents an existential threat to American democracy.  Nearly two years after the appearance, Fallon apologized for his interview with then-candidate Trump, saying “I’m sorry.  I don’t want to make anyone angry –I never do and I never will.  It’s all in the fun of the show.  I made a mistake.  I’m sorry if I made anyone mad.  And looking back, I would do it differently.”   Singer-songwriter Shania Twain also apologized after saying that she would have voted for President Trump had she actually lived in the United States.

Over the weekend, Rep. Maxine Waters (D-CA) suggested that left-wing activists should confront Trump Administration officials, telling them “if you see anybody from that cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you get out and you create a crowd and you push back on them, and you tell them they’re not welcome anywhere anymore.”  Apparently, the #Impeach45 movement has not caught as much traction as she hoped.  Waters and friends now seek to remove the President from office by disassembling his cabinet using scare tactics.  Waters doubled down on her rhetoric during an appearance on MSNBC, directing this message towards the people in the Trump cabinet who “remain and try to defend him”: “The people are going to turn on them.  They’re going to protest.  They’re absolutely going to harass them until they decide to tell the President, ‘No, I can’t hang with you.’”    

During the actual Cold War, the United States participated in a program called the Strategic Defense Initiative, also known as “Star Wars,” where we built up our military.  The left has developed a “Star Wars” strategy of its own by importing a new class of voters to give them an advantage in the culture war.  They learned this strategy from Saul Alinsky, who taught them to “increase the poverty level as high as possible; poor people are easier to control and will not fight back if you are providing everything for them to live.”  The Democrats have apparently decided to respond to the question raised by Communist playwright Bertolt Brecht, “Would it not be easier…for the government to dissolve the people and elected another?” with a “yes.”  The Democrats hope that a never-ending flow of welfare-dependent voters from south of the border will lead to the extinction of the “center-right” coalition in the United States, the same way the United States hoped that the aggressive buildup of our military would ultimately lead the Soviet Union into bankruptcy and subsequent dissolution.  

The far left has relied on another Alinsky tactic in its treatment of Trump Administration officials.  Alinsky advised his disciples, who include the Democratic Party’s two most recent Presidential standard bearers, “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”  The most recent targets the far left has chosen include Kirstjen Nielsen and Stephen Miller, with left-wing activists harassing the former at a Mexican Restaurant and later outside her home while posting “wanted” posters of Miller, the White House Senior Policy Adviser, throughout his Washington, D.C. neighborhood.  The “wanted” posters accuse Stephen Miller of “crimes” including “kidnapping 2,500 children, crimes against humanity, banning Muslims and promoting Nazi, White Supremacist, and Islamophobic ideologies,” citing the “reward” as “defeating fascism and the Trump regime.”  Leftists also went after Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, a friend of President Trump’s, as she attempted to enjoy a viewing of a documentary about Mr. Rogers; confronting her for the Trump Administration’s policy of separating illegal immigrant children from their parents at the border, a practice she has nothing to do with and did not condone.          

The social unrest in the country today has much in common with The French Revolution, where the French people overthrew their monarchy using the liberal mob mentality that the Trump Administration has found themselves all too familiar with. Ann Coulter explains this further in her book, Demonic: How The Liberal Mob Is Endangering America. 

On Election Night 2016, liberal activist Sally Kohn predicted on Twitter that “if Trump wins, Hillary supporters will be sad.  If Hillary wins, Trump supporters will be angry. Important difference.”  It turns out the exact opposite of what Kohn predicted would actually happen took shape.  Trump won and Hillary supporters have seethed with anger ever since.  Hillary Clinton herself has still not gotten over the election.  In fairness, some of the leftists who have become unhinged in the past week or so, especially the Democratic Socialists who harassed Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen, may not have voted for Clinton at all; instead electing to either stay home, write in Bernie Sanders, or support a third-party candidate such as Jill Stein.

Many similar “New Cold Wars” have already developed in other parts of the world.  In England, saying anything slightly critical of Islam can get you banned from the country or thrown into prison, as Lauren Southern and Tommy Robinson found out the hard way.

The far left hopes to make examples out of Southern, Robinson, and Trump Administration officials.  Question the global “consensus” on diversity and multiculturalism at your own risk.  Work for the Trump Administration at your own risk.  Keep in mind that fear serves as the governing principle of authoritarian regimes.      

Billy Joel might want to come out with a revised version of his song “We Didn’t Start the Fire” to chronicle the events of the New Cold War.  The original song, released in the late 1980s, chronicled the developments in pop culture and global and international politics that unfolded under the shadow of the Cold War.  Nearly twenty years into the Cold War, the Cultural Revolution broke out in America; which led to the popularity of the counterculture movement advocating for sex, drugs, and rock and roll.  Joel briefly discusses this in the song when he brings up birth control.    

As of right now, no Trump Administration official has faced serious threats of violence.  A hot war almost broke out last year when a shooter opened fire on a baseball field in Alexandria, Virginia where Republican members of Congress practiced for the Congressional Baseball game.  The shooter specifically asked for the party affiliation of the politicians practicing.  He shot Rep. Steve Scalise, whose presence on the field actually saved lives.  Because of his role as House Majority Whip, Scalise has a police detail that accompanied him wherever he goes.  If not for their presence at the ball field, a bloodbath of unimaginable proportion would have broken out. 

Hopefully, the New Cold War will come to an end soon and people on both sides of the aisle will have the ability to non-violently express themselves without fear of retaliation or mob violence.  In the absence of such an armistice, hopefully actual widespread violence or an actual Civil War will not break out and civil discourse will return to American politics once again.    


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