Apology Tours: 2018 Edition
During his first year in office, President Obama
embarked on a global apology tour. The
Heritage Foundation put together a list
of ten examples of him apologizing in just his first four and a half months in
office alone; compiled just before he began a trip to Saudi Arabia , Egypt ,
Germany , and France .
During a speech in liberals’ favorite country, France ,
he complained about America ’s
“failure to appreciate Europe’s leading role in the world” and highlighting his
plans to close the terrorist detention center in Guantanamo Bay , Cuba ;
which ultimately never came to fruition.
The President also apologized for America ’s “arrogance,” one of many
times he would reject the idea of American exceptionalism. As far as Europe’s leading role in the world,
Europe has led the globe in implementing the
disastrous principles of open borders, political correctness, third-wave
feminism and socialism that have only hastened the phenomenon identified by Pat
Buchanan as “The Death of the West.”
According to Washington Times columnist Cal Thomas, the apology tour came full circle during his trip to
Nine years after the bulk of President Obama’s infamous apology tour took place, many people and organizations have embarked on apology tours of their own for a few different reasons. The rules for apology tours differ based on political beliefs. People like “comedian” Michelle Wolf, who romanticize abortions and compare ICE agents to terrorists, do not face any pushback or pressure to embark on apology tours. Conservatives who engage in equally outrageous behavior had better hope that an apology tour will help them salvage their careers.
Sometimes, apology tours do not satisfy the demands of
the self-appointed elders in the Court of Public Opinion. President Trump learned that the hard way
this week. He has gone on quite an
extensive apology tour for his comments in Helsinki ,
Finland where he said “I
don’t see any reason why it would be Russia ” meddling in our election. He issued a clarification on Tuesday, saying
he meant to use the word “wouldn’t” instead of “would.” He stressed that he accepted the findings of
the intelligence agencies that the Russians interfered in the 2016 Presidential
election during appearances on CBS and CNBC. Yet his apologies did little to
quell the concerns of his adversaries in the mainstream media and the
Democratic Party who continue to brand him as treasonous
and accuse
him of doing the bidding of Vladimir Putin.
Liberal actor and Director Mark Duplass recently
suggested on Twitter that his liberal friends should try listening to Ben
Shapiro, calling him a “genuine person.”
That didn’t go well. His liberal
friends soon harassed him for giving someone who engages in “wrongthink” a
compliment. Duplass decided to retract
his tweet and ended up apologizing,
calling his tweet a “disaster on so many levels” and making it explicitly clear
that he still subscribed to the SJW agenda.
Shapiro ended up summarizing the lesson learned as a result of this
experience: “Today’s leftist lesson on Twitter: write a nice tweet about
someone with whom you disagree politically, get labeled a racist sexist
homophobe. Good stuff, guys. Really showing that tolerant streak.”
Duplass’s apology tour comes not long after
that of Canadian singer Shania Twain, who apologized
after saying she would have voted for President Trump had she lived in the United States , “even
though he was offensive, he seemed honest.”
Twain’s twitter apology, where she proclaimed that she did not “hold any
common moral beliefs with the current President,” only came as a result of
backlash from the liberal mob.
Both Duplass and Twain could learn a lot from Kanye
West, who said
“The mob can’t make me not love him,” referring to all of the pushback he got
shortly after tweeting out that he liked the way conservative commentator
Candace Owens thinks and later saying that he loved Donald Trump, called him
his brother, and posted a picture of himself sporting a “Make America Great
Again” hat. It looks like West has no
desire to go on an apology tour; he may actually end up travelling
to North Korea
with Dennis Rodman.
A lot of the ideology that makes people who say nice things about conservatives feel the need to go on apology tours originates at
It seems like the National Football League has already gone an apology tour for its new national anthem policy before it even went into effect. The NFL announced a new policy requiring players who choose to assemble on the field before the game to stand for the national anthem but gave players who did not want to stand for the national anthem the option of remaining in the locker room. The NFL’s new policy attempted to address the concerns of loyal football fans who had videotaped themselves burning their NFL gear because they did not like to see football players kneeling for the national anthem. The kneeling during the anthem essentially began with 49ers player Colin Kaepernick taking a knee for the anthem in an effort to protest police brutality. After President Trump used some colorful language when weighing in on the controversy during a rally in Alabama, many more NFL players decided to kneel for the national anthem on the following Sunday to show solidarity with Kaepernick and the small group of social justice warriors who hoped to use their “kneel-outs” during the national anthem to raise awareness for their causes. While the number of football players who kneeled for the national anthem dwindled as the season went on, the NFL lost many loyal viewers, who shared President Trump’s views on the matter, seeing the players’ actions as disrespectful to the American flag and the men and women who have served our country protecting it. The NFL appears to have backpedalled on its new policy just two weeks before preseason football begins, citing a grievance filed by the NFL Players’ Association as the reason why. If the NFL keeps wimping out on implementing the new anthem policy, Michelle Malkin’s prediction of the NFL standing for “No Fans Left” may just end up becoming a reality.
Liberal actor Robert De Niro embarked on a one-day apology tour where he travelled to our northern neighbor and apologized for President Trump; specifically citing his “idiotic behavior” at the G-7 summit that had taken place there the previous week. If Robert De Niro loves
President Trump’s entire Presidency has essentially
served as an apology tour for the mistakes of his predecessors in both parties;
specifically focusing on trade deals and immigration policies that have led to
lower wages. While President Trump’s
apology tour has included several campaign-style rallies, he has also
accomplished a great deal on the apology tour without even leaving Washington , D.C.
by ending the individual mandate for Obamacare, pulling out of the Paris
Climate Accord and the Iran Nuclear Deal.
He has shown that he can accomplish many of the goals on his apology
tour by simply firing off a tweet.
Hopefully, the culture of political correctness will
eventually disappear from the mainstream; preventing the need for Americans who
say anything slightly flattering about a conservative from feeling the need to
go on an apology tour. As for President Trump’s
apology tour, hopefully the American people will allow it to continue for
another four years.
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