America's Wacky Wednesday

American children’s book author Dr. Seuss once wrote a book called “Wacky Wednesday,” where a child wakes up to find absolutely everything seeming out of place.  Unfortunately, it looks like America has reached a “Wacky Wednesday” of its own but this time, it’s no laughing matter.

For starters, liberals have effectively turned the American justice system on its head in the wake of the sexual assault allegations against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh; the number of which continues to grow as the Republicans continue to delay a Judiciary Committee vote.  Coincidence?  Don’t bet on it.  Traditionally, the defendant has no responsibility to prove his or her innocence; the prosecution has the responsibility to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.  However, many Democratic Senators who hated Kavanaugh to begin with and would never in a million years have voted to confirm him, have now said that the onus lies on him for proclaiming his innocence.  Delaware Senator Chris Coons, who shares his predecessor Joe Biden’s need for hair plugs, maintained that Judge Kavanaugh “bears the burden of disproving these allegations.”   It looks like the long-standing tradition of “innocent until proven guilty” has turned into “guilty until proven innocent.”

America hasn’t had this concept of justice since the puritan era, which became infamous for the “Salem Witch Trials” where people accused of witchcraft in colonial Massachusetts would often face the consequence of death.  The puritan era inspired the book The Scarlet Letter, where an adulterer had to walk around the town with a letter “A”.  Liberals appear to be queuing up the spray paint for Kavanaugh.  Strangely, they do not have any spray paint set aside for some of their favorite statesman with far more credible allegations of sexual misconduct, such as Bill Clinton and Keith Ellison.  Speaking of Puritans, only on Wacky Wednesday would liberals, who have spent decades promoting pornography and sexual promniscuity, suddenly become the guardians of sexual morality. 

Overhauling the American justice system presents just one example of liberals’ decades-long efforts to “fundamentally transform America,” which began in the 1960s but reached the climax in the Presidency of Barack Obama, who explicitly promised to “fundamentally transform America.” 
 Part of the plan to “fundamentally transform America” involves abolishing the Electoral College.
The Democrats see the Electoral College as giving Republicans an unfair advantage, specifically citing the fact that Democrats won the popular vote in six of the last seven Presidential elections but only won the Presidency in four of them because of the Electoral College.  Perhaps they forgot that they automatically start out with California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Washington, Massachusetts, Maryland, Connecticut, Oregon, Hawaii, Rhode Island, Delaware, Vermont, and the District of Columbia.  Considering that Democrats have to put absolutely no effort into winning any of those states, it gives them a huge head start of 182 Electoral Votes.  Republicans virtually have to run the table on the remaining states in order to actually win the Electoral College; a task that has become more difficult as immigration has turned states like New Mexico, Colorado, and Virginia from purple to blue.  The Democrats could probably win the Electoral College by winning just 20 states while Republicans have not won the Electoral College in the past half-century without carrying at least thirty states.  Even when they did manage to carry thirty states in 2000 and thirty-one states in 2004, the Republicans could not even manage to break the 300 Electoral Vote milestone either time.  So, it makes no sense to say that Republicans have an unfair advantage in the Electoral College.

It’s not like Democrats cannot win the Electoral College.  Bill Clinton won the Electoral College twice, carrying southern states by not campaigning as a radical leftist.  One could also make the argument that the strong showing of third party candidate Ross Perot also helped Clinton, especially in 1992.  In 2000 and 2004, President George W. Bush only narrowly carried the Electoral College; had the Democrats managed to win Florida or Ohio either time, they would have won the Presidency. 

In 2008 and 2012, President Obama won the Electoral College as a result of a decades-long immigration policy favoring low-skilled workers that reached the logical conclusion of turning states that voted Republican in most, if not all Presidential Elections from 1968 to 2004, blue.

Leading up to the 2016 Presidential Election, the pundits effectively declared it impossible for President Trump to carry the Electoral College.  They assumed that Trump would have to carve out the exact same path to 270 that George W. Bush used in 2004, which relied on Virginia and Colorado, boasting a combined 22 electoral votes.  They predicted that even if President Trump won the perennial swing states of Florida, Ohio, and maybe Iowa and Nevada, that still would not put him over the top.  They did not realize that President Trump had a message that resonated with states that had voted Democratic in the past six Presidential elections; Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. 
President Trump likes to remind the crowds at his rallies that people predicted that he did not have a path to 270 electoral votes.  He admits that they had it right before pointing out that he did, however, have a path to 306 electoral votes.  Voters in the afformentioned states, which had previously served as important bricks in the “blue wall” that had given the Democrats at least 242 Electoral Votes in every Presidential election since 1992, had grown tired of both parties; whom they felt had given them the shaft by embracing trade practices that have led to the transformation of the Midwest from America’s industrial headquarters into the “rust belt,” as a result of the manufacturing jobs that once employed thousands, if not millions of people in those states moving overseas to countries with cheaper labor.  President Trump’s one major deflection from the Republican/conservative orthodoxy came on trade and that allowed him to carry those states that previous Republican Presidential candidates simply could not.
The Democrats routinely win the popular vote by racking up huge margins in America’s largest state, California; which has dramatically changed from a swing state to a solidly Democratic state because of America’s immigration policy that politicians in both parties favor but only one party benefits from.  The founders did not want the largest states to have veto power over the affairs of the nation.  In addition, they knew that the Electoral College would ensure that smaller states would ratify the Constitution and join the union.  Some states, such as Vermont and Wyoming, effectively lose under both the Electoral College system and the popular vote system.  Both states have populations hovering around half a million, which means politicians hoping to win national elections, would almost certainly ignore them; while both states vote reliably for one party or the other in Presidential elections, meaning that they receive very few campaign stops from Presidential hopefuls in the general election.  However, other small states definitely benefit from the Electoral College. Candidates would not give states such as New Hampshire or Iowa the time of day if not for the Electoral College.  While one could make the argument that many conservatives in California that stay home would in fact come out to vote in a popular vote system, the fact that liberals have worked very hard to import a new underclass predestined to vote for them might guarantee them a popular vote victory in every single Presidential election for the foreseeable future. 
Keeping that in mind, liberals have launched a war on the Electoral College in the form of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact.  States that have signed onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact would automatically grant their electoral votes to the winner of the popular vote in Presidential Elections, regardless of whether or not that particular candidate carried their state.  The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact will have no longer force until the number of states that have signed onto it reaches the magic number of 270.  Not surprisingly, all of the states that have signed onto the scheme voted for Hillary Clinton by double digits in the 2016 Presidential Election.  Currently, the combined electoral votes of all the states that have signed onto the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact stands at 172; roughly 100 votes short of the number required to clinch the Presidency.  
If the founding fathers ever had the chance to come back from the dead and witness what has transpired when it comes to the Kavanaugh hearings, they would certainly react as the main character did in Wacky Wednesday.  They intended for the judicial branch to serve as “the least dangerous branch” of government; they would not appreciate the fact that a high proportion of United States Senators now see it as just another political branch. Even liberals’ favorite Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, seems to think that the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominees have become a circus straight out of “Wacky Wednesday.” During an appearance at George Washington University, Ginsburg maintained “The way it was was right.  The way it is is wrong.  I wish I could wave a magic wand and have it go back to the way it was.”  Ginsburg definitely benefitted from “the way it was,” she sailed through her confirmation hearings, with 96 Senators voting “aye” on her confirmation. Don’t expect the people of her party who adore the “Notorius RBG” like a rock God, to take her advice on this particular issue.  Without the theatrical Supreme Court confirmation hearings, 2020 Presidential hopefuls would not get to experience their “Spartacus” moments.    
Only on “Wacky Wednesday” would the media want the American people to have more information, not less.  Yet, the guardians of truth in the mainstream media spoke fervently against President Trump’s decision to release classified documents that might have reflected negatively on the intelligence agencies that the media once treated with quite a bit of skepticism.  The media has developed a bad habit of downplaying stories that reflect negatively on Democrats and/or reflect positively on Republicans while providing 24/7 hysterical coverage of stories that reflect positively on Democrats and/or reflect negatively on Republicans.  

Unfortunately, the situation has gotten so out of control in America that it would almost seem like “Wacky Wednesday” if the increasingly radical liberals and Democrats actually engaged in rational discourse rather than resort to smear campaigns and hysteria in order to achieve their policy goals.  Keep dreaming, Republicans.


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