Joe Scarborough and Friends Injected With Truth Serum and Common Sense

Believe it or not, on a few different occasions over the past week or so, it appeared as if MSNBC Host Joe Scarborough and at least some of his co-panelists had lost their Trump Derangement Syndrome.  Last Friday, Scarborough and his panelists traveled to Mississippi, site of two Senate elections this year, to take the pulse of the voters. The Mississippi Republicans who took part in their “focus group” deserve a lot of credit for turning the other cheek, considering the fact that Scarborough once dismissed Trump voters as too incompetent to handle anything sharp, specifically imploring them to “step away from your kitchen utensils and knives and blenders” and wondering whether they knew how to operate a manual egg beater. 

During his appearance in Mississippi, Scarborough explained and appeared to empathize with a “great frustration” experienced by Republican voters:

We elect our Republican presidents, we knock on doors for them, we have blood and sweat and tears for these people, we contribute to them, and then they appoint liberal justice or then they back down and try to make a deal on immigration with Ted Kennedy, then they try to make a deal with Ted Kennedy on education. They do all these things they told us they were not going to do. Because they all tell us they’re going to move the embassy to Jerusalem. They all tell us that. And it all ends up being a lie.

Scarborough’s remarks took some shots at disappointing Supreme Court Justices such as George H.W. Bush-appointed David Souter as well as “No Child Left Behind,” the major domestic achievement of the first year of the George W. Bush administration that massively increased the Federal government’s role in education.  While the bill accumulated broad bipartisan support, many house conservatives, including now-Vice President Mike Pence, voted against it.  The picture of the signing ceremony for No Child Left Behind features Senator Ted Kennedy standing behind the President. 

While Kennedy definitely did his best to obstruct every other part of the George W. Bush agenda, especially when it came to filibustering his nominees to serve on the Federal courts,  that didn’t stop Senate Republicans from working with Senator Kennedy on so-called “comprehensive immigration reform.”  Scarborough, a former Republican Congressman from Northwest Florida, does not deserve blame for No Child Left Behind or the failed McCain-Kennedy immigration proposal, since he resigned from Congress less than six months into the Bush administration. 

Scarborough concluded his remarks: “Elise, what they were saying was, ‘Unlike every other Republican president we’ve elected, this guy is doing exactly what he said he was going to do.’”  Even Elise Jordan, a committed Never-Trumper, had to admit that “he’s delivering on the economy.  They like the job numbers and the tax cuts overall.”  Why doesn’t she like those figures?  
Fair coverage on “Morning Joe” continued to at least some degree when they returned back to New York City the following week.  At this time, the top story in national politics had become a decades-old sexual assault allegation against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, which initially came from an anonymous accuser.  Following the “Morning Joe” return to New York, the accuser had come forward in The Washington Post, identifying herself as Palo Alto University Professor Christine Blasey Ford.  Left-wing lawyer Debra Katz, one of  the many attorneys representing Ford, had made the rounds on cable TV indicating that her client would have no problem testifying.  She then changed her demands, possibly if probably at the request of her legal team; which includes Debra Katz, who appeared on a “Good Morning America” video clip shortly after the confirmation of Jeff Sessions as Attorney General promising to “resist.”  After initially appearing to agree to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Ford said that she would only testify if the FBI started an investigation to her extremely vague allegation.

Believe it or not, Mika Brzezinski presented the fairest coverage of the Kavanaugh allegation than anyone else on her panel, including the so-called “Republicans.”  On Monday’s edition of “Morning Joe,” Brzezinski warned the Democrats not to play “really dirty” when it came to the Kavanaugh nomination, saying “I don’t think that’s good for politics and for both sides.”  Just a few hours later on “The View,” Whoopi Goldberg appartently disagreed with Brzezinski; championing the Democrats’ decision to play “hard ball.”    
The common sense continued two days later, when the “Morning Joe” panel seemed surprisingly supportive of the Republicans calling for a confirmation vote on Kavanaugh to take place this Wednesday.  That has obviously changed since the airing of last Wednesday’s “Morning Joe,” now that Ford agreed to testify to the Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday.  Brzezinski, who undoubtedtly would prefer someone other than Kavanaugh sit on the Supreme Court, accused the Democrats of “moving the goal posts” and Never-Trumper Susan Del Percio asked a question that many Americans would get called sexist and misogynist for asking: “What right does she have to delay this, or ask for the FBI investigation?”

If only someone could inject truth serum and common sense into some of Joe and Mika’s other compadres in the mainstream media.  Then they would admit that their obsession over the decades-old allegation against Kavanaugh has absolutely nothing to do with finding the truth and everything to do with railroading the Supreme Court nomination, which they view as a threat to Roe v. Wade, the holy grail of the modern progressive movement and third-wave feminism. 

The Democrats have moaned that a Court with Kavanaugh on it would effectively turn the Court into a rubber stamp for the Trump administration.  This contrasts with what the Court would look like without Kavanaugh, which would effectively serve as a rubber stamp for the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals; the lopsided appellate court on the west coast where many of the lawsuits against the Trump administration originate. The Supreme Court currently consists of four liberals and four conservatives.  Should it remain an eight-justice Court for the foreseeable future, many decisions will result in four-four ties.  When that happens, the ruling of the lower court remains in place.  Knowing this, liberals, who have mastered the art of forum shopping, will file a series of lawsuits in the Ninth Circuit, where the will rule against the Trump administration (and conservatives) every single time.      

Teen Vogue columnist Emily Lindin did not need any truth serum when she said in the wake of the #MeToo movement, “I’m not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual harassment/assault allegations.”  That tweet marked the beginning of a “tweet storm” that continued with her declaring that the ends justify the means when it comes to lobbing false allegations of sexual misconduct: “Sorry.  If some innocent men’s reputations have to take a hit in the process of undoing the patriarchy, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay.” In response to Lindin’s “tweet storm”, Twitter user FOLA, herself a feminist, sent out a tweet making the point that “when the call for equality and equity crosses the line into man hating gender superiority, you’re no longer interested in ending oppression.  You just want to be the new oppressors.”   

At least Lindin, unlike some of her counterparts on the left, openly admits their master plan.  The likely Democratic candidates for President in 2020, many of whom planted themselves in front of the camera to stand in solidarity with Ford and smear Kavanaugh, will have to rely heavily on the support of Lindin and social justice warriors like her in order to win the Presidential election.  For this group of Americans, a very vocal minority, the time-honored traditions of “innocent until proven guilty” and due process do not matter as much as advancing their radical left-wing political agenda.     

Going back to the Kavanaugh allegations, the demands made by the accuser’s attorneys keep getting stranger.  If the incident alleged actually did took place, Ford’s attorneys have done her a tremendous disservice by making the charges look like nothing more than a politically motivated hit job.  The hit job may have already achieved the desired effect at causing a handful of Republican Senators to think twice about voting to confirm Kavanaugh.  Ultimately, the Republican base can blame Senator Jeff Flake, a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, for holding up the committee vote on Kavanaugh’s nomination.  And people still wonder why his potential successor Martha McSally did not want his endorsement.      

The Democrats feel perfectly justified in derailing the Kavanaugh nomination, an act they see as payback for the Republicans’ failure to hold hearings for President Obama’s Supreme Court nominee Merrick Garland, whom he nominated following the death of originalist icon Antonin Scalia, which occurred during the final year of the Obama Presidency. Based on the way the Democrats treated Kavanaugh, a colleague of Garland’s, during the confirmation hearings, he has probably breathed a sigh of relief that he didn’t have to go through that circus, although the Republicans probably would have actually behaved like adults had confirmation hearings actually taken place.  The Democrats went way overboard when it came to character assassination against Kavanaugh, which Republicans never attempted with Garland. 

While scrolling through social media, I came across the following sign, which reads: “If U ever get the chance to treat them how they treated U, I hope U choose to walk away.”  The Democrats have obviously decided not to take that advice; not exactly a popular slogan in 21st century American politics which embraces the “eye for an eye” philosophy much more than the “turn the other cheek” philosophy that the aforementioned sign embodies.


The circus surrounding the Kavanaugh nomination continues today as another accuser has come forward accusing the Supreme Court nominee of exposing himself to her during his college years.  The delay to accommodate Ford has given left-wing activists all the time they need to come forward with new accusers.  Great job, Republicans.  Scarborough and friends forgot to mention another reason that Republican voters like President Trump: he does not let the Democrats walk all over them. Senate Republicans should take a page out of President Trump’s playbook and not back down in the wake of the Democrats and their good buddies in the mainstream media’s 24/7 cries about misogyny and victim blaming and #ConfirmKavanaugh.  Republicans in Congress cannot continue to let #TheResistance hold them hostage as they seek to “fundamentally transform America” with the help of the judicial branch.     



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