Can We The People Save America?

Well, Congress has absolutely failed when it comes to securing funding for President Trump’s much-promised border wall. To its credit, the House of Representatives passed a stopgap spending bill Thursday night that includes funding for the wall.  However, the bill did not manage to get out of the Senate, thanks to failures on the part of both Democrats and Republicans. 

We all know why the Democrats don’t want to fund the wall.  They want to do everything they can to ensure that President Trump does not fund the wall because they know that his failure to make progress on the wall by Election Day 2020 could put his re-election bid in jeopardy.  But they also have a long game: while the Democrats remain vehemently opposed to the construction of a border wall in the Southwestern United States, they remain committed to the construction of a different kind of wall in the Southwestern United States: a blue wall.  The Democrats have already turned most of the counties along the US-Mexico border blue.  Democrats have definitely turned two of the four border states blue; California and New Mexico and they look well on their way to making progress in the other two.  Failure to construct a border wall will ensure that more “asylum seekers” will pour into the country, only to have border patrol release them into the country until their hearing, which they will most likely not even show up to.  According to the master plan, a future Democratic President will grant everyone living in the country illegally amnesty, at which time Texas and Arizona will flip.  The Democrats nearly got their wish this year by almost winning the Senate race in Texas while winning the Senate race in Arizona, even as Republican Governors in both states soared to re-election. 

The Democrats can pretend that their opposition to the wall comes from their concerns about cost-effectiveness all they want but we all know that they would still castigate the wall as “immoral” even if Mexico did pay for it up front.  But everyone should know that they could care less about the cost. As Tucker Carlson pointed out, “According to a recent study from Yale, there are at least 22 million illegal immigrants living in the United States…Democats plan to give all of them citizenship. Read the Democrats’ 2016 party platform…Studies show the overwhelming majority of first-time immigrant voters vote Democrat…The biggest landslide in American presidential history was only 17 million votes. Do the math.” To put it a slightly different way, open borders has had the same effect on Democrats that striking gold had for Jed Clampett. 

While failure to enforce existing immigration laws has led to the crisis at the border, so have our insane immigration laws themselves. Sharyl Attkisson did an expose on a Federal policy that “allows women to cross the border in certain medical emergencies, including pregnancies.  They’re evaluated first at the border, and the women have no legal status, but their newborns get U.S. citizenship.”  Attkisson’s piece looked at the consequences of that policy, specifically the fact that U.S. taxpayers end up paying for these U.S. citizen children to go to school in the United States despite the fact that they live in Mexico. If Democrats had their way, all of these children would move into the United States as adults and bring their relatives with them; creating a chain of permanent Democratic voters.

Considering the fact that Republicans control both chambers of Congress until January 3, it makes sense to ask why President Trump even needs the votes of Democrats in the first place.  While Mitch McConnell did a very brave thing by abolishing the filibuster for judicial nominees, he has not had the same enthusiasm for abolishing the legislative filibuster; which effectively requires 60 votes for most legislation to pass.  The current makeup of the Senate consists of 51 Republicans and 49 Democrats.  Considering the fact that moderate Democrats have gone the way of the dinosaurs, reaching the 60-vote threshold remains an impossibility.  Yet some dinosaurs and/or traitors in the Senate, who will either retire at either the end of this Congress or the end of the next Congress, remain steadfastly opposed to abolishing the sacred tradition of the filibuster.  

Republicans have got to stop bringing knives to a gun fight.  The fantasy of bipartisan hand-holding that these filibuster-worshippers believe in does not match up with reality.  Everyone knows that if a handful of Republicans stood in the way of the Democrats passing single-payer healthcare, the Jackass party would not hesitate to do away with the 60-vote threshold and move to a simple majority.  As Kerry Picket reported on “Hannity” earlier this week, Congressman Brad Byrne attempted to trigger the budget reconciliation process, which would enable the wall funding to go through with a simple majority.  However, the bill only attracted 24 cosponsors.  Many Republicans have decided to pack up and leave town despite the fact that the 115th Congress does not officially end until January 3.  If Congress really cared so much about making sure that they had Christmas off, they should have done their job and secured wall funding during one of the previous 100,000 budget battles.  Considering the fact that my mother, a nurse, will have to spend December 25th working a 12-hour shift accompanied by a 45-minute drive each way, I have little sympathy for members of Congress who whine about the possibility about having to work on Christmas.  The ousted or retiring members of Congress can take a nice long Christmas Vacation after Congress adjourns, although that may interfere with some of their abilities to start their new jobs on K Street.  

Back in 2014, a little-known Iowa State Senator named Joni Ernst entered the national spotlight with a famous ad where she highlighted her childhood experience castrating pigs and promised to “make ‘em squeal,” referring to Congress.  The “make ‘em squeal” ad enabled her to win the Republican nomination for the United States Senate seat in Iowa and then win the general election in a state that many still considered blue.  During her victory speech, she promised once again to “make ‘em squeal.” Despite the fact that nothing would “make ‘em squeal” like funding a border wall and/or shutting down the government to fund the wall, Ernst has indicated opposition to a government shutdown.

Republicans quiver at the prospect of a government shutdown because they don’t want to take the blame for the government shutdown, which by the way, would only affect roughly one-fourth of the government.  The media has effectively created much ado about nothing, since transfer payments (i.e. Medicare and Social Security) will still go out.  Yet Republicans still fear that a government shutdown would hurt their prospects in 2020, despite the fact that by the time Election Day 2020 comes around, the American people will have long since forgotten about the shutdown and the media will have moved onto another crisis to obsess over. Republicans had the same fears about a government shutdown in 2013 affecting them in 2014 and they ended up picking up nine Senate seats, a dozen House seats, and two governorships. New Year’s Resolution to Republicans: never, ever take advice from the media.    

Congress’s inaction on border wall funding has left the American people with no choice other than to look to the grassroots.  Thanks to the magnificent @whitneycovfefe, I became aware of a “Go Fund Me” page entitled “We The People Will Fund the Wall.” If Christine Blasey Ford can make lots of money via an internet campaign, then surely the effort of brave American patriots to secure the border will prevail.  Out of a $1 billion goal, the campaign has raised more than $12 million in less than a week.  So far, more than 200,000 loyal Trump supporters have given their own money to ensure the funding of the wall, demonstrating a massive commitment on behalf of the “basket of deplorables” to border security and national sovereignty.  Brian Kolfage, the patriot who engineered the “Go Fund Me” page pointed out that “the government has accepted large private donations before, most recently a billionaire donated $7.5 million to fund half of the Washington Monument repairs in 2012; this is no different.”

The wall funding comes down to simple math.  According to the Kolfage, “If the 63 million people who voted for Trump each pledge $80, we can build the wall.”  63 times 80 ends up equaling around $5 billion, which matches the amount of money that President Trump requested from Congress in the most recent government funding battle.  While a border wall will ultimately end up costing $25 billion, the $5 billion would President Trump well on his way to fulfilling the signature campaign promise that caused him to glide past sixteen other Republicans as well as Hillary Clinton in the race to the Oval Office.  To hell with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, who have utterly failed the American people as stewards of taxpayer money.  

The American people have no problem donating their money to the government, as long as they know it will go to good use.  The government has shown time and time again that it does not put taxpayer money to good use.  For an example of the money mismanagement at the hands of the misfits on Capitol Hill, look no further than the sexual harassment settlement “slush fund” and the taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood and the National Endowment for the Arts, which has funded crucifixes submerged in urine and pictures of the Virgin Mary covered in female genitalia.    

As of right now, only twelve days remain between now and the impending nightmare of a Nancy Pelosi speakership.  While Republicans will have the added benefit of more Republicans and fewer RINOS in the Senate in the 116th Congress, a Nancy Pelosi Speakership will cancel that out.  In the absence of a Christmas miracle, which everyone across America should pray for, it looks like the onus for saving America lies in the hands of “We The People.”

So to the United States Senate: thanks for nothing.  On the other hand, thank you very much to all but eight House Republicans who worked to prove Nancy Pelosi wrong when she said that President Trump did not have the votes for wall funding in the House, thank you to Brian Kolfage for setting up the “Go Fund Me” page, and thank you to @whitneycovfefe for making me aware of the “Go Fund Me” page in the first place. I know I speak for many when I say that I greatly appreciate your tireless advocacy on behalf of the “We The People Will Fund The Wall” effort over the past few days. 



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