Update on Liberals' War on Christianity, Part Deux
The March for Life took
place on Friday. However, based on mainstream media
coverage, most Americans probably would not know that. The Washington Post and The New
York Times devoted 330 words to the gathering of pro-life Americans in the
Nation’s Capital. The networks barely
had any time to cover the event; after all, the evening newscasts on the
“alphabet soup” networks spent 27 minutes on the now-debunked Buzzfeed story
about President Trump ordering Michael Cohen to commit perjury. While the media obsessed over another fake
story about Russia ,
many prominent Republican politicians and leaders in the conservative movement
spoke at the March for Life, which commemorates one of the worst Supreme Court
decisions in United States History, Roe v. Wade. Liberals maintain committed to protecting
and defending Roe, which legalized abortion nationwide, above all else;
except maybe protecting and defending Robert Mueller, who they merely see as a
tool to remove a pro-life President from office.
This new information did not stop the media and the Twitter mob from engaging in character assassination against the teens. Dr. Sujana Chandrasekhar, President of theAmerican Academy of Otolaryngology, posted
pictures of all of the teens in question, describing them as “scary faces” and
using the hashtag #CovingtonShame. In addition, Chandrasekhar hammered out some
suggestions, including stopping “tax breaks for ‘religious’ establishments,”
imposing “massive re-education” on “these children, their families, and these
communities.” Her Twitter account has gone offline but before it did, she
posted a picture of civil rights opponents from 1957 on top of the Covington students. Democratic Congressman John Yarmuth, who
represents Louisville
in Congress, called for a moratorium on teenagers wearing #MAGA hats, alleging
that they “seem to be poisoning young minds.”
Yarmuth claimed that the “appalling” conduct by the teens was a “direct
result of the racist hatred displayed daily by the President of the United
States who some, sadly, mistake for a role model.” A writer from Vulture went so far as to
hope that the students and their parents would die. To those looking for a
silver lining, this story actually forced the media to cover the March for
Life. However, the networks spent 19
minutes of their coverage of the March for Life smearing the pro-life teens and
just 58 seconds covering the event on Friday, before anyone knew anything about
Covington Catholic High School .
While most opposition
to abortion comes from religion, even some atheists have a hard time denying
the fact that the “clump of cells” has DNA distinct from his or her
mother. Liberals’ support for abortion
comes from a different religion; third-wave feminism, which dictates that women
have absolute autonomy over their bodies that gives them the right to murder
their children if they see them as an inconvenience.
President Trump himself
delivered a pre-recorded video message to the congregants after addressing them
directly from the Rose Garden last year.
In his address, President Trump praised the March and described the
pro-life movement as “founded on love and grounded in the nobility and dignity
of every human life.” In addition to declaring that “every life has meaning and
every life is worth protecting,” President Trump promised to always defend the
first right in the Declaration of Independence: the right to life.” After
listing off actions he has taken as President to advance the causes of the
pro-life movement, the President announced that he “signed a letter to Congress
to make clear that if they send any legislation to my desk that weakens the
protection of human life, I will issue a veto.”
He probably directed that message specifically towards the House
Democrats, who have made it clear that they hope to repeal the Hyde Amendment,
which bans the use of taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions. In all likelihood, such a proposal would fail
to make it through the Senate, where Republicans hold the majority. Even if a bill to “weaken the protection of
human life,” made it to President Trump’s desk, neither chamber would have
enough votes to override his veto. The
President’s impassioned speech made it crystal clear that he has come a long
way from his previous position on abortion, which he described as “very
On Saturday, the third
annual Women’s March took place in Washington ,
D.C. and in various cities across
the country. The first Women’s March
took place on January 21, 2017; one day after President Trump took the oath of
office. Featured speakers at the first
Women’s March included Michael Moore, who tore up a newspaper with a cover
focusing on President Trump’s inauguration; Gloria Steinem, who said that “we
will all register as Muslims” in response to President Trump’s so-called
“Muslim ban” that would restrict immigration from terror-prone countries; and Madonna,
who said that she had “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White
House.” Initially, the Women’s March had
incredible support from the Democratic Party.
Leading up to the third annual Women’s March, the Democratic National
Committee withdrew its support from the event because one of the Women’s March
co-founders, Tameka Mallory, refused to condemn Louis Farrakhan. Farrakhan, the leader of the controversial
Nation of Islam, has spent his entire career hurling insults at Jews; comparing
them to termites and describing them as “Satanic.” Former Democratic National Committee Chair
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, a verelent pro-choicer, refused to attend this year’s
Women’s March because of Mallory’s refusal to condemn Farrakhan. Wasserman-Schultz finds herself one of among
more than 70 percent of the Jews who voted Democratic in the last Presidential
Some Women’s Marches
across the country have disassociated from the national chapter while others
have decided to pull the plug altogether but not for the reasons you might
think. In Northern
California , the organizer of a Women’s March postponed the event, citing
the fact that “up to this point, the participants have been overwhelmingly
white, lacking representation from several perspectives in our community.”
Ironically, the Women’s March do not seem at all concerned about lacking
representation from the pro-life perspective, which polls indicate has more
support among the American public than Cecile Richards and friends would like
to admit. At the very least, a majority
of Americans do not support unrestricted abortion during all nine months of
pregnancy. A poll
taken by Marist found that 63 percent of Americans support banning abortions
after 20 weeks of pregnancy. The same
poll found that 52 percent of Americans agreed that abortion “did not improve a
woman’s life in the long run.” The
Democrats might want to keep that in mind when crafting their platform in
In other religion news,
Second Lady Karen Pence has accepted a part-time job teaching art at a
Christian school in Northern Virginia . Pence had previously taught at the school
when her husband, Vice President Mike Pence, served in Congress. Progressives have excoriated her for her
decision to teach at the school, which requires prospective employees to “initial
next to a list of beliefs including certain ‘moral misconduct,’ includes
homosexual or transgender identity as being disqualifying or any other
violation of the unique roles of male and female.”
God forbid a Christian
school would actually expect their students and employees to live by the tenets of
the Bible, including the unpopular parts.
CNN’s Chris Cuomo argued that Pence’s decision to teach at the school
proves that “the value of exclusion is embraced” by the Trump administration, comparing
her new career to comments made by Congressman Steve King that seemed to indicate an endorsement of white nationalism.
Another member of the media went even further, equating the teachings of
traditional Christianity, which the Vice President and his wife subscribe to
with the Ku Klux Klan. CNN’s John King
suggested that the Pence family’s Christianity should disqualify them from
Secret Service protection. While liberals love to point to the phrase “Love Thy
Neighbor” as proof that God has no problem with the aforementioned “moral
misconduct,” they seem to have forgotten another tenet of Christianity: “hate
the sin, love the sinner.” Liberals have successfully blurred the lines between
people and the activities they engage in to the point where many people base
their whole identity on an activity; thus making it impossible to express
disapproval of the activity without making it seem like a direct attack on a
person’s “identity.” Contrary to what liberals may want people to believe, most
Americans do not agree with the signature phrase of the Westboro Baptist
Church , “God Hates
F-gs.” And no, Christians do not
support the death penalty for homosexuals, unlike many Muslims who hold
absolute power in corrupt to the core Middle Eastern countries.
Look at it like
this. Christian schools exist to educate
children in reading, writing, math, science, social studies, and everything else
that public schools teach in addition to teaching their students to become good
stewards of the Christian faith.
Teachers and staff members at Christian schools, as well as priests, serve
as role models in that effort. It would
make no sense for a Christian school to hire a teacher who openly participates
in activities that the church teaches against; just like it would make no sense
for Hooters to hire 75-year old women as waitresses or for anybody to hire a
morbidly obse personal trainer. For the record, Christian schools probably
frown upon all behavior that violates the Ten Commandments, including swearing
and drug use. Yet the media didn’t talk
about that since most public schools also have policies that lead to at least
some punishment for those infractions.
Speaking of Christian
schools, a group of students from Covington
Catholic High
School in Kentucky
attended the March for Life, providing some hope that the future generations
may embrace life more than their elders. However, some of the students quickly
came under fire for allegedly mocking a Native American attending
an event for indigenous people in the Capital City
taking place concurrently with the March.
The school issued an apology and the media quickly labeled the students
as “racist.” In a similar series of
events to how the debunking of the BuzzFeed story alleging President Trump’s
subornation of perjury played out, additional video showed that Nathan
Phillips, the Native American in question, came up to one of the students gathered at the Lincoln
Memorial, and began banging a drum in his face.
This new information did not stop the media and the Twitter mob from engaging in character assassination against the teens. Dr. Sujana Chandrasekhar, President of the
Appearing on “Fox &
Friends” Monday, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said that the
media and the left’s reaction to Karen Pence’s new job proves that the left “wants
to push Christian education and Christian institutions into these religious
ghettos in America, and bar people that are in those places to come into the
public square.” While Perkins’ comments specifically referenced the outrage
over Karen Pence teaching at a “homophobic” school, his statement just as
easily applies to the left declaring war on Covington Catholic
High School as well as their
desire to ignore and/or marginalize the March for Life. Marco Rubio once
warned that the left would soon declare “mainstream Christian teaching” as “hate
speech.” It looks like that day has
finally come.
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