Liberals' Political Bucket List
Last week, I shared my political bucket list. Believe it or not, liberals have spent the last several weeks sharing their political bucket list with the American people and it includes far more than the release of the Mueller report, which appears to have disappointed liberals. While the Democrats would like to check of all of these items in time for the 2020 Presidential Election, they know that they will have no such luck as long as Republicans control the Senate. Nonetheless, liberals have decided to go big and bold when creating their political bucket list: The abolition of the Electoral College: Apparently forgetting that they have held the Presidency for 16 of the last 26 years, the Democrats have declared war on the Electoral College; which they blame for their losses in the 2000 and 2016 Presidential Elections. The Constitution mandates the use of an Electoral College to elect the President but it does not specifically say how each state must allocate ...