Highlights and Lowlights From This Year's Supreme Court Decisions
As schools let out across America for the summer, many in Washington get to embark on a nice, long summer vacation as well. Even those who do not get to enjoy the two-month summer vacation enjoyed by students and teachers and the three and a half month long vacation that enables college students and professors who decide not to participate in summer sessions get to take advantage of, most of the United States federal government get to at least enjoy some time off in honor of America’s 243 rd birthday. Congress gets next week off and will get to enjoy a longer August recess. The Supreme Court gets to enjoy the longest vacation of all three branches of the federal government. They do not have to return to work until October. Last year at this time, liberals across America had gone into a panic as Justice Anthony Kennedy, considered the swing vote on the court for the previous decade, announced his retirement. A Republican President, Ronald Rea...