From the Archives: I is For Indoctrination

After a four-month absence from writing for this blog, it would make sense for me to weigh in on the topic that has absolutely saturated the American media for the past two months: Coronavirus. I still have plenty of time to do that; since the unmeasured hysteria surrounding the Wuhan flu shows no signs of subsiding anytime soon. But for now, I must focus on a more important matter: finding a new job now that I have unexpectedly lost my full-time job. I had stopped writing for this blog because my new job had a moonlighting policy that would require me to have approval if I wrote for any other publication or organization besides my company. Even if my company did not have a moonlighting policy, I probably would have stopped writing for the blog anyway because I wanted to spend all of my free time enjoying all that the Swamp has to offer; including historic monuments and museums a swell as a great group of conservatives. Unfortunately, the outbreak of Coronavirus and the stay-at-home orders that have accompanied it have prevented me from taking advantage of those opportunities. 

I had planned on writing a goodbye blog; I apologize for not doing that. In light of the circumstances that have unfolded for the past few weeks, it turned out that I did not really need to write one after all.  I hoped that my previous blog post made it clear that I had found a full-time position and would therefore devote most, if not all of my professional energy to that. Because of my fiscal conservatism, namely my decision to save nearly all of the money I made working as a freelancer over the past two years rather than indulge in a backpacking trip across Europe or a luxury beach vacation, I do not currently find myself in a financial hole due to my job loss. Considering the fact that I have since relocated to the Swamp and have a lease that does not expire until early February, I must make sure that money does not run out and prioritize paid work over this blog. 

Rather than writing about Coronavirus, I have decided to republish an article that I published for a startup website that has gone by the name Rouser News and The Classy Libertarian in the past.  As I have applied for jobs in the past week or so, I noticed that the website has been taken offline. While most of my portfolio there consisted merely of re-posts from this blog, I wrote one original article that I wanted to use as a writing sample in a job application.  I wrote the article shortly after attending a book signing for the Ainsley Earhardt book, Through Your Eyes: My Child’s Gift to Me, which I bought as a Christmas present for my niece. In addition to allowing me to meet a Fox News personality for the first time, this event enabled me to cross one more person off my list of people I had to buy Christmas presents for. While waiting for Ms. Earhardt to arrive, I browsed on the second floor of the bookstore where the event took place. I came across an SJW children’s book that made me weep (on the inside) for the next generation. Without further ado, take a look at the article, titled “I is For Indoctrination,” copied and pasted from the Word document I saved it in: 

Regardless of where you land on the political spectrum, most people think that young children should not be used as political pawns. At least they used to think that. Now, many people see no problem with exposing small children to pride parades and other adult-themed events where people run around in promiscuous clothing, or lacking to wear much at all. Throughout the 2016 election, several political ads surfaced that exploited children for political purposes such as the “Deport Racism” ad, where small children blurt out obscenities at the man who would later become our 45th president. It appears that the American public underestimates to what today’s young children should and should not be exposed.

During a recent trip to a bookstore, I came across a book clearly designed for children with the title, A is for Activist. I briefly flipped through it and could not believe what I saw. The book is basically a SJW version of Dr. Seuss’s ABCs. For instance, the “F” page contains a passage on feminism while the “L” page includes a little tidbit on LGBTQ. One can surely imagine what the rest of the book is like.

The book takes topics with lots of gray areas and paints them in black and white, and this exposure to mature and complicated topics such as feminism at such a young age destroys the innocence of childhood. Parents who expose their young children to this sort of material are taking away the most transcendent aspect of being a child, and they should feel ashamed.

Upon further investigation, I realized that plenty of other SJW children’s books also exist. This revelation tells me that the Left seemingly cannot allow kids to just be kids, but must begin to train their disciples at a young enough age to where they will find no dissenters. I guess General Kelly could have included childhood innocence in his list of things that are no longer sacred in this country.

The existence of SJW children’s books should not come as much of a surprise since the Left seems to have a vested interest in exposing children to adult topics as soon as possible. The Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States (SIECUS) publishes the Guidelines for Comprehensive Sexuality Education, which provides teachers with a framework for K-12 sex education. The drafters of the SIECUS guidelines see nothing wrong with teaching children as young as five years old about sexual intercourse and masturbation, perverting the American youth at younger and younger ages every year.

I have a hard time believing most parents, even liberals, would want their kindergartners learning about these topics. Thank God the schools that I attended did not follow the SIECUS guidelines. I did not learn about most of these topics until middle school – a far more developmentally appropriate time to teach such material. I find it quite strange that the same people who think children can’t handle the sight of politically incorrect or offensive Halloween costumes think that they are mature enough to learn about sex.

It has become clear that many on the Left want to turn the next generation into soldiers of the revolution at a very young age. If children decide to subscribe to progressive ideology when they get older, that’s fine. However, parents, no matter how adamant they are about their political beliefs, need to allow their children to enjoy their childhood before they eventually succumb to the political world.

In an effort to maintain brevity, I neglected to mention another over-the-top example of liberals exploiting children for political purposes in the original article. The group F***H8 came out with an ad featuring little girls as young as six years old dressed up in tiaras spouting off feminist talking points as they dropped F-bombs and flipped the bird. As opposed to Ainsley Earhardt, who wants to see the world through her child’s eyes, radical leftists seem to want their children to see the world through their eyes. 

Parents should let their kids enjoy their childhoods because, as I know from experience, adulthood sneaks up on people very fast. While adulthood obviously has its perks, such as the ability to vote, it also comes with a large set of responsibilities that the exploited children in the “Deport Racism” ad and the F***H8 ad could not possibly foresee. Movies such as “17 Again” indulge adults’ fantasies about going back to childhood/young adulthood but in reality, that can never happen. Deep down, most people probably don’t want to go back to childhood even though the carefree aspects of it may seem attractive at times.  In my case, the fact that, in many places, American education has turned into a left-wing indoctrination camp constitutes a major reason why.

A few months after I published “I is for Indoctrination,” gun control walkouts took place at schools all across the country in response to the Parkland school shooting; including the high school that I graduated from. While students definitely had a right to make their voices heard on the politically charged issue of gun control, they should not have faced any retribution if they decided not to take part. However, Ohio high school senior Jacob Shoemaker’s refusal to participate in the gun control walkout at his high school led him to face a one-day suspension. Liberals, who dominate Academia, just love to punish people who do not conform to their way of thinking.

To those who do not believe me, take a look at the stay-at-home orders that have come to define the reaction to Coronavirus here in the United States. Liberal politicians, including Republicans, have used Coronavirus as an excuse to take away one of the most attractive aspects of adulthood: personal freedom. In a way, public officials have taken it upon themselves to treat the entire American public as children under the guise of protecting public health. Unlike actual children, American adults have responsibilities that do not disappear just because liberals wanted to create an agoraphobic society where everyone becomes afraid of their own shadow. While the adults instituting the stay-at-home orders also have responsibilities, they have not had to deal with the consequences of the lockdowns: namely, paychecks drying up. After all, the pandemic has only strengthened the job security of the strongest advocates of the stay-at-home orders: government officials, medical experts, and the mainstream media. 

In addition to robbing millions of American adults of the ability to pay their bills, stay-at-home orders have robbed children of one of the most important aspects of childhood: socialization. As schools across America have shuttered in response to Coronavirus, children no longer have the opportunity to interact with their classmates and friends. Those who think this will not have any negative effects should definitely think again.

I could definitely write a much longer piece on Coronavirus but if I do, I would like it to appear in a high-profile publication. I wanted to keep the focus of this article on “I is for Indoctrination” and apply the concept of childhood innocence to events that have unfolded since I first published the article. If I ever had to write a children’s book along the lines of “I is for Indoctrination,” I would probably choose the title “P is for Perseverance.” After all, that quality has become more important than ever as I navigate through uncharted territory.

Stay tuned for my next blog post, which will discuss the special election in California’s 25th Congressional District. Considering the fact that California takes forever to finish counting ballots as well as my desire to prioritize paid employment, I do not have a time frame as to when I will publish that blog. Hopefully by the time that I do, America will have made progress in eliminating the hysteria surrounding the Coronavirus that has resulted in the shutdown of the American economy. 


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