
Showing posts from August, 2017

It Was the Best of America, It Was the Worst of America

Two events that happened this weekend highlight the best and worst of America .   One will make you feel like there actually is hope for the United States of America while the other will make you feel like the traditional America that we know and love has reached a point of no return.          Let’s start off with the worst.   In Berkeley , California , a small group of right-wing activists gathered for a “Say No to Marxism” event were met with thousands of counter-protesters attending a “Rally Against Hate” event.   Apparently, opposing Marxism makes someone hateful.   Amber Cummings, the organizer of the “Say No to Marxism” event, had previously called off the event due to fear of violence breaking out.   In spite of the event’s cancellation, a small group of Anti-Marxists still showed up to talk about their cause.    About 100 of the left-wing counter-protesters inflicted enormous pain on the right-wing protestors,...

Arpaio: Pardon Me for Doing My Job

Shockwaves erupted Friday night as President Trump issued a Presidential Pardon for Former Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio; also known as “America’s toughest sheriff.”   President Trump issued the pardon on Twitter, saying “I am pleased to inform you that I have just granted a full Pardon to 85 year old American patriot Sheriff Joe Arpaio.   He kept Arizona safe!”   In addition, the White House released a statement saying “Throughout his time as Sheriff, Arpaio continued his life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration.   Sheriff Joe Arpaio is now eighty-five years old, and after more than fifty years of admirable service to our Nation, he is a worthy candidate for a Presidential pardon.”   While his loyal base absolutely loved it, the mainstream media angrily accused the President of trying to hide his pardon behind the media’s extensive coverage of Hurricane Harvey; which has brought catastrophic flooding to the...

Equality and Responsibility: The Feminist Paradox

Nearly a year after losing the 2016 Presidential Election to Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton released an excerpt from her memoir titled What Happened.   If the excerpt serves as a microcosm for the entire 512-page book, it will probably become required reading for many gender studies classes at colleges across the USA .   In the excerpt, Hillary Clinton complains about then-candidate Trump’s behavior at the second Presidential debate, saying “Now, we were on a small stage and no matter where I walked, he followed me closely, staring at me, making faces.”   She also fantasized about looking him in the eye and saying “Back up, you creep, get away from me!   I know you love to intimidate women, but you can’t intimidate me, so back up!”   Trump “invading her space” at the second Presidential debate had absolutely nothing to do with her losing the election; which makes me think that the whole book is just one big therapy session, with the readers acting as her therap...


With the North Korean standoff and the Charlottesville chaos making all the headlines in recent weeks, the media has had little time to cover the Reform American Immigration for Strong Employment (RAISE) act.   Introduced by freshmen Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR) and David Perdue (R-GA), this bill would dramatically change America ’s immigration policy.   President Trump, whose tough talk on immigration helped him beat 16 other Republicans and Hillary Clinton, announced his support for the bill earlier this month.   It would cut the number of green cards issued per year in half, place a cap on the number of refugee admissions per year and end the visa diversity lottery.   Under the RAISE act, America ’s legal immigration policy would much closely mirror Australia ’s immigration policy; which prioritizes higher-skilled English speaking immigrants over lower-skilled, non-English speaking immigrants.            Not surprisingl...

Total Eclipse of the Left

A quote attributed to Rahm Emmanuel, President Obama’s former Chief of Staff who currently serves as Mayor of Chicago, perfectly explains the actions of the President’s critics over the past week.   “Never let a crisis go to waste.”   Liberals have seized the opportunity created by the unrest in Charlottesville to ramp up their attacks on the President and his supporters.   In addition, they are calling for the removal of every Confederate statue across the country.           In an interview promoting his new documentary “An Inconvenient Sequel”, Former Vice President Al Gore suggested that President Trump should resign.   Even if Trump took Gore’s advice, Republican Mike Pence would finish out the remainder of his term.   Well, maybe not.   In a recent episode of “The View”, far-left panelist Joy Behar asked Maxine Waters, a relentless advocate for the President’s impeachment, if she thought Pence would make a bet...

Left Coast Replaces Northeast as America's Liberal Epicenter

I have always been convinced that the northeast is the most liberal part of the country.   In light of recent events, I have begun to rethink that opinion.   It appears as if the west coast, sometimes referred to as the left coast, has replaced the northeast as the bedrock of American liberalism.   For one thing, the states on the left coast have experienced population growth at a much faster rate than the states in the northeast.   The left coast has seen its representation in congress increase while states in the northeast have mostly been losing electoral votes after the most recent population counts.   As this map demonstrates, many of the counties on the left coast, especially in California , swung to the left in the 2016 election while most of the counties in the northeast swung to the right.   Four of the five of the states on the left coast, including Republican-leaning Alaska , have legalized marijuana.   Surprisingly, Hawaii is the ...

Fear and Loathing in Charlottesville

Political violence of any kind is always counterproductive.   Reasonable people should understand that adopting the tactics of radical Islamic terrorists by driving vehicles into crowds of people will not cause people to sympathize with your argument.   That’s exactly what happened at a “Unite the Right” event in Charlottesville , Virginia on Saturday.   Many of the participants included Neo-Nazis and KKK members; whose ideas sharply contrast with the self-evident truth laid out in the Declaration of Independence that “All men are created equal.”   The 20-year old driver of the Dodge Challenger that caused one fatality and injured around 20 others had Nazi sympathies; according to his high school social studies teacher .   He now faces charges of second-degree murder, malicious wounding and failure to stop at the scene of an accident resulting in death. Unfortunately, the “Unite the Right” rally certainly did not result in a more united political right;...