
Showing posts from January, 2018

When The Number 45 is a Bad Thing

While most conservatives rejoice about having Donald Trump as the 45 th President of the United States , the number 45 has a much more negative connotation this week.   Today marks the 45 th anniversary of Roe v. Wade , the extremely controversial Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide; which still divides much of the country today.   As Vice President Pence pointed out, “45 years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States turned its back on the inalienable right to life.”         If nothing else, Roe illustrates the importance of picking good judges.   Liberals have nearly 20/20 foresight when it comes to the judges they put on the bench, while Republicans have had a much lower rate of success in appointing real conservatives to the Supreme Court.   When asked about the biggest regrets of his Presidency, Dwight Eisenhower reportedly said, “I have made two mistakes, and they are both sitting on the Supreme Court...

A Year in Review: President Trump's First 364 Days in Office

Believe it or not, President Trump has served as our Commander-in-Chief for just shy of one year. During his inaugural speech, President Trump promised big change for the “forgotten men and women.”   A series of “Women’s Marches ” held the following day, featuring scores of angry feminists obsessed with their genitalia, served as a preview of coming attractions for all of the liberal hysteria that would ensue for the year to come.   Speakers at the primary Women’s March, held in Washington , D.C. , included Madonna, who said that she had “thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House.”    Kathy Griffin would later outdo Madonna by holding up a fake severed head of President Trump, which ultimately led to her losing her New Year’s Eve gig on CNN.   Those in the big cities will have to endure the wrath of the feminists this weekend, when the 2018 Women’s Marches will take place.        President Trump did his best...

The Revenge of the Virtue Signallers

Tonight, President Trump will announce the winners of the Fake News Awards.   Never Trumper Jeff Flake has already held a speech on the Senate floor denouncing President Trump’s treatment of the media.   In an interview with MSNBC’s Kacie Hunt, Flake compared the President’s treatment of the media to Joseph Stalin, the Russian tyrant who caused the deaths of millions of Soviets during his reign of terror.   A tweet from Instapundit calls out the absurdity of Flake’s comparison saying “Trump hasn’t starved anyone, imprisoned his political opponents, sent people to gulags, etc.   This is an insult to Stalin’s victims, and to his listeners’ intelligence.” It looks like Flake, along with many of his counterparts on the left, has developed a bad case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.            Flake has done everything he can to make sure that the mainstream media does not lump him in with the “basket of deplorables.”   He wr...

The Civil Rights Issue No One is Talking About

As we celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. Day this year, we must remember that the battle for civil rights continues among one portion of the population.   Those who get all of their news from the mainstream media would likely find themselves completely unaware of this civil rights battle.     MLK’s niece, Dr. Alveda King, has followed in her uncle’s footsteps by becoming a spokesperson for the Civil Rights issue of this generation, the pro-life movement.   Dr. King referred to Planned Parenthood as “the most obvious practitioner of racism in the United States today” at a tea party rally in 2010, reminding the audience of its founding by “the eugenicist Margaret Sanger and recently documented as ready to accept money to eliminate black babies.”   She went on to say that “The most positive step we can take to fight racism is to end the hundreds of millions of dollars in taxpayer subsidies given to an organization that fulfills the dream of the Ku Klux Kla...

A Tough Week for Conservative Populists

Conservative populists definitely could have had a better week.   For a little bit, it looked like the man they worked so hard to get elected may abandon his principles in favor of positive coverage from the mainstream media and pats on the back from establishment Republicans who did not even vote for him.   The President held a meeting with 22 members of Congress with the focus on hammering out a “bipartisan” deal on immigration, with both Houses and parties represented; although most of the people in the room’s views on immigration reflect the “uni-party” consensus that favors legalizing millions of illegal immigrants in exchange for vague and meaningless border security promises from the Democrats.   Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), a member of the “Gang of Eight” who compiled the 2013 amnesty bill, sat on the President’s left, while House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-MD) sat on his right. During the meeting, President Trump said that he trusted the p...

Liberal Outrage of the Week: Trees

Over the years, liberals have developed a reputation as “tree huggers” as many of them have bought into the environmentalist religion launched by the publication of Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring.   Modern leaders of the environmentalist religion include Al Gore and Leonardo Dicaprio but don’t expect them to live by the same rules that they demand everyone else follow.   Loyal followers of the environmentalist religion must have found themselves flabbergasted as a city in one of the most progressive states in the union decided to cut down some trees. As the rest of the country got ready for Christmas, liberals demanded the removal of “racist trees” along Tahquitz Creek Golf Course in Palm Springs , California .   Trees join a long list of items now deemed racist by the cultural overlords in 2017, including milk, mathematics, science, and Disney movies. Tucker Carlson, who compiled the 2017 list, pointed out that “We live in revolutionary times.   Wild things happ...