When The Number 45 is a Bad Thing
While most conservatives rejoice about having Donald Trump as the 45 th President of the United States , the number 45 has a much more negative connotation this week. Today marks the 45 th anniversary of Roe v. Wade , the extremely controversial Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion nationwide; which still divides much of the country today. As Vice President Pence pointed out, “45 years ago, the Supreme Court of the United States turned its back on the inalienable right to life.” If nothing else, Roe illustrates the importance of picking good judges. Liberals have nearly 20/20 foresight when it comes to the judges they put on the bench, while Republicans have had a much lower rate of success in appointing real conservatives to the Supreme Court. When asked about the biggest regrets of his Presidency, Dwight Eisenhower reportedly said, “I have made two mistakes, and they are both sitting on the Supreme Court...