Update on Liberals' War on Christianity, Part Deux
The March for Life took place on Friday. However, based on mainstream media coverage, most Americans probably would not know that. The Washington Post and The New York Times devoted 330 words to the gathering of pro-life Americans in the Nation’s Capital. The networks barely had any time to cover the event; after all, the evening newscasts on the “alphabet soup” networks spent 27 minutes on the now-debunked Buzzfeed story about President Trump ordering Michael Cohen to commit perjury. While the media obsessed over another fake story about Russia , many prominent Republican politicians and leaders in the conservative movement spoke at the March for Life, which commemorates one of the worst Supreme Court decisions in United States History, Roe v. Wade. Liberals maintain committed to protecting and defending Roe, which legalized abortion nationwide, above all else; except maybe protecting and defending Robert Mueller, who they merely see as a tool to rem...