
Showing posts from August, 2019

The 2020 Battleground Begins to Take Shape

With the 2020 election a little more than a year away, both the Republican Congressional Campaign Committee and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee have released their respective lists of battleground districts.  Considering the lack of detail in those lists, I have decided to fill in the blanks. The RCCC has identified 55 Democratic-held districts where they will go on “offense” by trying to flip the seats from red to blue.  Republicans can lose slightly more than half of these seats and still retake the House majority. I compiled a list of the districts below; highlighting President Trump’s margin of victory in 2016, courtesy of The Daily Kos , and the incumbent Democrat’s margin of victory in 2018. I bolded the districts that Democrats have included in their “Frontline” program to protect their most vulnerable incumbents. I listed the districts in alphabetical order with one exception: Connecticut’s 5 th Congressional District.  The Democrats in...