
Showing posts from July, 2017

What a Week: Constructive Criticism for Congressional Republicans and President Trump

Last week was quite a roller coaster ride for the Trump Administration; with many ups and downs.   Those who rely on the mainstream media for all their news probably heard exclusively about the downs.   The highlights (and lowlights) of this past week can teach many lessons about what steps the Trump administration as well as Congress can take in order to more effectively implement their conservative, America first agenda.            Let’s start off with the lowlights.   Senate Republicans overpromised and under-delivered on health care.   After seven years of promising to repeal and replace Obamacare, the Republicans could not manage to put together 50 votes for any of the proposals brought forward.   It looks like they are going to abandon their effort to repeal and replace Obamacare and move on to other initiatives such as tax reform.   I sure hope those efforts yield more success.   Further legislative f...

Don't Trust the B in District 23

One year after she resigned as Chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is back in the news; well, depending on who you watch.   While she no longer runs the Democratic National Committee, she still represents Florida ’s 23 rd Congressional District in the U.S. House of Representatives. Wasserman Schultz received the wrath of Bernie Sanders supporters when leaked DNC e-mails showed that she had done everything in her power to derail Sanders’ insurgent candidacy and ensure that Hillary Clinton would win the Democratic nomination for President.   I guess you could say she gave Sanders the back of her hand . It should come as no surprise that Sanders endorsed her primary challenger Tim Canova in last year’s election.   Canova has already announced that he plans to challenge Wasserman Schultz again next year.   Tom Perez, President Obama’s profane former Labor Secretary, has replaced Wasserman Schultz as DNC chair.   ...

Chuck Schumer Injected With Truth Serum

Only on the rarest occasion do I find myself agreeing with Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer.   I do agree with Schumer’s most recent assertion that Russia and James Comey are not to blame for Hillary Clinton’s loss in the 2016 Presidential Election.   Speaking to The Washington Post, Schumer said “When you lose to somebody who has 40 percent popularity, you don’t’ blame other things— Comey , Russia —you blame yourself.   So what did we do wrong?   People didn’t know what we stood for, just that we were against Trump.   And still believe that.”   Obama’s Former Advisor David Axelrod made similar comments a few months ago, saying “Jim Comey didn’t tell her not to campaign in Wisconsin after the convention. Jim Comey didn’t say not to put any resources in Michigan until the final week of the campaign.”   The best part is, it didn’t take a sting operation from Project Veritas to get these people to tell the truth; they did so of their own volit...

Republicans, Say It Isn't So

After two attempts to repeal and replace Obamacare simultaneously have failed to get through the Senate; the latest proposal involves repealing Obamacare and implementing a two-year delay to allow Congress to come up with a replacement plan.   This bill would use the budget reconciliation process, which only requires the support of a majority of Senators as opposed to a 60-vote supermajority.   This should pass with no difficulty; as all but one sitting Republican Senator voted for a repeal bill in 2015.   The lone holdout was Maine Senator Susan Collins; the political equivalent of Diet Coke.   Now, two additional Senators who voted for the inconsequential repeal bill in 2015 have come out in opposition to it.   Sens. Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) have indicated that they will vote “no” on a repeal only bill, despite voting yes in 2015.   What caused them to change their minds?         Senator Ted...

From the Vault: The Article My School Newspaper Would Not Publish

At the beginning of my junior year in college, I submitted an opinions piece to my school newspaper.   The article explains the Catholic Church’s teachings on marriage.   The newspaper did not publish the article because it was too “controversial.”   Maybe they refused to publish it with my best interests in mind; seeking to protect me from all the hate mail I was sure to get from SJWs.   Without further ado, here is the article:             The Catholic Church has seven Sacraments.   Some, such as communion and reconciliation, are meant to be repeated, the rest are not.   Of all seven sacraments in the Catholic Church, marriage is by far the most misunderstood.   It is the only sacrament the state has taken full control of (so much for separation of church and state).               Marriage was designed by God to be a lifelong union betw...

The Anti-Scientific Revolution

For decades, many liberals have rejected religion.   Rather than peacefully coexisting with the religious community, the most extreme liberals have done everything they can to banish all references to religion from the public square; justifying their actions by pointing to an incorrect understanding of Separation of Church and State. Many of these liberals claim to believe in science instead; acting as if science and religion are mutually exclusive.   Sadly, many of today’s liberals reject both religion and science; instead adhering to the dogmas of secular humanism and hedonism, which seem to get stranger and more extreme as time goes by.     The debate over when life begins presents the best example of liberals rejecting science.   Even as scientific research shows that the “cluster of cells” has its own unique DNA, many liberals will never accept this as truth.   When science contradicts liberal dogma, liberal dogma always comes out on top...

Is Discrimination Always a Bad Thing?

According to the left, discrimination is always a bad thing and those who discriminate do so because of bigotry and hatred.   Never mind the fact that the left actually discriminates despite painting themselves as anti-discrimination crusaders striving to create a completely egalitarian society.   Just ask the New Wave Feminists, a group of pro-life women who were not allowed to march at the Women’s March on Washington because the organizers disagreed with their stance on abortion.   Most people rarely consider the possibility that the left might be wrong about discrimination, instead blindly accepting their declaration as an undeniable truth. In some cases, discrimination is not only a good thing, but a necessary thing.                 For example, let’s look at the military. Recruiters definitely engage in discrimination, placing strict physical fitness requirements on those hoping to serve.   They ...

Untold Stories of the MSM

100 years after the Russian Revolution replaced the Romanovs with the Bolsheviks and more than a quarter century after the fall of the Soviet Union, you would hardly think that Russia would consume so much air time in 2017; considering all the other fish we have to fry such as ISIS and North Korea .   However, it would come as quite a surprise if Russia did not end up making a list for the 10 most talked about stories of 2017. “New Day”, CNN’s morning program, spent 2 hours and 16 minutes on Russia Wednesday morning.   After years of downplaying the threat to the United States posed by Russia , the media and the Democrats now consider Russia our number one national security threat.   Beginning shortly after President Trump’s election, they have been incessantly peddling the narrative that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia in order to secure an election victory.   Even as weeks and months go by without a smoking gun, they will not let it go. ...