
Showing posts from May, 2017

Hillary's Alternative Facts

2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Hillary Clinton came out of the woods on Friday to deliver the Commencement Address at her alma mater Wellesley College ; located in Wellesley , Massachusetts .   During her speech, she took a shot at President Trump; telling the graduates “You are graduating at a time when there is a full-fledged assault on truth and reason.”   This comes from a woman who has assaulted truth and reason many times throughout her political career.   You might say that Hillary is an expert at coming up with “alternative facts.”     Hillary attempted to empathize with the graduates, many of whom are probably not thrilled about the election of President Trump, by saying “We were furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice.”   She was talking about Richard Nixon there; but apparently forgot that Nixon was never actually impea...

Apples and Oranges: First 100 Days

As much as I hate the phrase “comparing apples to oranges”, it is certainly appropriate to use when comparing the first 100 days of our two most recent Presidents.   One of them was fortunate enough to enjoy a long honeymoon period full of positive, fawning press coverage while the other has been bombarded with attacks since long before his Presidency began.   Each President comes into office under different circumstances.  President Obama sailed into office with 58 Democratic Senators and 257 Democratic Representatives, ready to cater to his every desire.  By the time his first 100 days concluded, the number of Democratic Senators had risen to 59; as Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party.  Following Specter’s party switch, there were only 40 Republican Senators as a result of the controversy surrounding the recount in the Minnesota Senate Election; which was ultimately won by Democrat Al Fr...

Let the Budget Wars Begin

The President seems to be really enjoying himself on his first overseas trip as America ’s commander-in-chief.   Although it is probably not most people’s idea of a dream vacation, President Trump badly needed this opportunity to escape the swamp.   You can tell that he’s enjoying himself when he’s not tweeting about the corrupt and biased mainstream media.   Believe it or not, President Trump was treated with more respect by the Saudi Arabian government than he will be by the opposition party for his entire tenure in office.     When he gets back to the swamp, he is most certainly sure to face intense opposition to his domestic agenda; most notably his budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2018 titled “A New Foundation for American Greatness”. Although the start of FY 2018 is still more than four months away, liberals’ heads are already exploding at the thought of this budget passing.   Bernie Sanders has called the budget “grotesquely immoral” while Hil...

When Will We Ever Learn?

Unfortunately, another terrorist attack happened this week.   This time, tragedy struck at an Ariana Grande concert in Manchester , England where a suicide bomber detonated an explosive device in the foyer of the Manchester Arena as concert-goers, many of them children and teens, were leaving the event.   Grande escaped unhurt but many of her fans were not so lucky.   So far, the death toll stands at 23 and the number of injured stands at more than 100. The perpetrator was born in the UK to Libyan refugees, who have since moved back to their country of origin. Of course, it was only a matter of time before ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack.   In the wake of the attack, UK Prime Minster Theresa May has raised the UK terrorist threat from “severe” to “critical.”       Some of the media managed to drop everything and provide wall-to-wall coverage of the terrorist attack.   Others decided that it was more important to cover the...

Reflections on Commencement Season 2017

It is May and that means commencement season is upon us.   This is a time when the members of the Class of 2017 will put away their textbooks and enter the workforce.   I sure hope they are capable of solving the major problems facing our country and the world but I have my doubts.   No commencement season is complete without the banning of conservative politicians from delivering commencement speeches.   In 2014, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was forced to rescind her invitation to speak at Rutgers University ’s Commencement Ceremony in the wake of student protests.   This year, Senator John Cornyn (R-TX) is one of the most notable victims of the left’s attacks on free speech.   Cornyn was disinvited from speaking at Texas Southern University, a historically black college.   The college points to a petition as a reason for the cancellation. The petition complained that Cornyn “chooses to use his political power in wa...

Note to the Left: Impeachment is Not the Same Thing as a Recall Election

Each day this week, it seems as if the American left has come up with a story that they believe will lead to President Trump’s impeachment and removal from office.   On Monday, the Washington Post reported that President Trump revealed classified information to Russian diplomats during a meeting last week.   On Tuesday, the New York Times reported that Trump told former FBI Director James Comey "I hope you can let this go", regarding the investigation into his former national security advisor, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn.   Trump’s loudest critics are now saying that he obstructed justice.     No politician has been met with such resistance and vitriol since Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker, the most recent Governor to be recalled.   When Walker, who was first elected in 2010, dared take on the very powerful public sector unions, protests erupted throughout the state capital of Madison .   Soon enough, he faced a recall ele...

SOS: Save Our Swamp

While it’s true that many in the elite mainstream media despise President Trump because of his personality, the main reason the media and his other detractors hate him so much is because he has promised to “drain the swamp”.     Although he did not use the phrase “Drain the Swamp” until late in the campaign season, everyone knew that that was exactly what he was going to do should he manage to get elected.   That is why it was critical for the left and its allies in the media to do everything possible to stop him from getting elected; most notably by leaking the unflattering Access Hollywood tape two days before the second presidential debate.   When Trump defied all odds and managed to actually win the election, the swamp creatures tried to convince members of the Electoral College to go rogue and not vote for Trump.   When that didn’t work, they all got together and promised to go down every rabbit hole to ensure that Trump’s “swamp-draining ag...

The Far, Far Left: Regressive, not Progressive

In recent years, the Democrats have been portraying themselves as a Progressive party, which means they support initiatives such as legalizing marijuana nationwide, single-payer healthcare and the replacement of the nation-state with a global government.   However, some of the most recent actions of the far, far left; a group which is gaining influence in the Democratic party; seem more regressive than progressive.   Harvard University ’s “black only graduation” is perhaps the best example of this.   Today’s social justice warriors seem to miss the whole point of the civil rights movement; which was to end the widespread segregation of blacks and whites throughout the south.   Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. wanted people to be judged by “the content of their character and not the color of their skin.”   He would be very disappointed to see that some African-American students would want to hold a separate graduation after he and the other civil righ...

The Resurrection of Saint Obama

Many Christians celebrated the resurrection of their Lord and Savior about a month ago on Easter Sunday.   The man who many consider to be the Democrats’ messiah, Former President Barack Obama, resurfaced late last month following a well-deserved vacation with billionaire Virgin Airlines founder Richard Branson. (Wait, I thought the Republicans were the party of the rich).   He made his first public appearance since leaving the White House at the University of Chicago late last month, where he promised to return to his roots as a community organizer and help mold the next generation of leadership.   I wonder if that should be taken as a sign that he has no faith in the Democratic bench as it stands right now.     Obama’s disciples were not happy to learn that he agreed to speak to Wall Street firm Cantor Fitzgerald for a $400,000 fee.   Taking money from Wall Street is heresy in the church of liberalism. Obama spent his political career ...

Greg Abbott: America's Model Governor

After hearing that Texas Governor Greg Abbott signed a bill defunding sanctuary cities, I felt vindicated in my belief that he is the best Governor in the United States .   At this time last year, I would have been advocating that Abbott be picked as Donald Trump’s running mate due to his heroic conservative credentials.   While serving as Attorney General, he described his job this way: “I go into the office in the morning, I sue Barack Obama and then I go home.”   What’s not to like?   He spent his entire tenure as Attorney General standing up to the secular progressives, most notably by appearing before the Supreme Court and successfully defending the Ten Commandments Monument in front of the State Capitol.   He also stood up to big government by suing federal agencies such as the Environmental Protection Agency, the Department of Health and Human Services and the Federal Department of Education.     He continued his crusade fo...