
Showing posts from October, 2017

Make America Fun Again

With Halloween just around the corner, the PC police across America have begun to work overtime; making sure that nobody dares to dress up in a costume that someone somewhere might consider offensive. Two years ago, the left got all bent out of shape when the President of the University of Louisville and some of his staff decided to dress up in Mexican attire at a Halloween party. They saw this as an example of cultural appropriation; a mortal sin in the Church of liberalism, where one culture adopts the elements of another culture.   No wonder Jerry Seinfeld and Chris Rock have no desire to perform on college campuses; today’s kids have absolutely no sense of humor.   The left sees cultural appropriation as racist but Lauren Southern has a different take.   She argues that cultural appropriation is actually cultural appreciation.   I agree with her assertion that liberals need to lighten up.   But it does not look like that will start happening a...

When Jimmy Carter Becomes the Democrats' Voice of Reason

Of all of the five living former Presidents, President Trump has surprisingly found his most loyal ally in Former President Jimmy Carter, a Democrat.   In a recent interview with The New York Times , President Carter admitted that the media has not treated any previous President as unfairly as they have treated President Trump.   In that same interview, he said that he doubted that Russia had any significant impact on the results of the 2016 Presidential Election.   Making such a statement amounts to heresy in today’s Democratic Party, as would his stance on abortion .          President Carter’s election came in the middle of an “Era of Bad Feelings”.   At the time of America ’s bicentennial, The Watergate scandal that prematurely ended the Nixon Presidency had destroyed the faith of many Americans in our political system.   They looked to the little-known Georgia Governor as a breath of fresh air.   While they did not ...

The Media and the Left Beg for the Return of President Bush

Ten years ago, many people thought that the day would never come when the media and the Democrats would beg for the return of President George W. Bush.   At that time, his approval rating hovered in the 20s and the mainstream media hammered him for his handling of the Iraq War and everything else.   At the same time, the media had finally found their lord and savior in a first-term Senator from Illinois named Barack Obama; who would later become the 44 th President of the United States .        However, since the election of President Trump; the day when the media and the Democrats beg for the return of President Bush has finally come.   The media (and the left) have finally found a President they hate more than “W”; as President Trump actually fights back against their attacks while President Bush chose not to address them.   Nancy Pelosi said on “This Week” after mistakenly calling President Trump President Bush, “So sorry, President B...

Update on Operation Drain the Swamp

It looks like Rep. Pat Tiberi (R-OH) will become the third Republican Congressman to leave office before his term expires.   This number does not include the people who resigned to take positions in the Trump Administration.   Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) resigned in June, expressing disgust with “The Swamp.”   “Pro-life” Congressman Tim Murphy (R-PA) resigned from Congress on Saturday after committing political suicide by asking his mistress to abort their unborn child.   All of the resignations have caused special elections, which Democrats have poured millions of dollars into.   Their efforts backfired as the Democrats failed to pick up any of the four House vacancies where Republicans resigned to take posts in the Trump cabinet; including the seat formerly held by Tom Price, whose district President Trump carried by only one point.   Chaffetz, Tiberi, and Murphy all represent districts that President Trump carried by double-digit margins; which makes ...

The Anti-American Revolution

At the beginning of the Iraq War, The Dixie Chicks went to London , where they told their audience that “We’re embarrassed that the President of the United States is from Texas .”   I have a feeling they would have received a different reception had they made those comments in Texas .   The Iraq war ended up bringing back the Anti-Americanism that became widespread in America throughout the Vietnam War.         The Anti-American Revolution took a temporary pause during the Obama Presidency as Michelle Obama declared “For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country.”   Many members of the elite ruling classes who relentlessly criticized the Bush administration considered any criticism of the Obama Administration racist.   R. Lee Ermey had done several GEICO commercials playing a drill sergeant but GEICO stopped airing his commercials after he made comments critical of President Obama’s economic policies at a To...

Healthcare, Take 5

President Trump’s decision to stop subsidizing insurance companies as part of Obamacare last week made liberals’ heads explode.   A Federal judge had already ruled President Obama’s executive order directing subsidies to the insurance companies unconstitutional; since Article One, Section Nine of the Constitution states that “no money shall be drawn from the treasury; but in consequence of appropriations made by law.”   In other words, only Congress has the power to allocate money.   According to liberal logic, violating the Constitution (and Federal law) is always justified by good intentions.   The Democrats quickly responded to President Trump’s actions by accusing him of sabotaging one of President Obama’s signature legislative achievements.   Senator Chris Murphy (D-CT) went so far as to compare President Trump’s actions to arson.   In an appearance on ABC’s “This Week”, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said that she will remain in Congress...

Boy Scouts Injected With PC Virus

The left has always had an animus against the Boy Scouts; probably dating back to 1990, when the Boy Scouts fired Assistant Scoutmaster James Dale after he came out as gay.   Ten years later, the case went to the Supreme Court; which ruled 5-4 that The Boy Scouts, as a private organization, had the right to fire an individual if they felt that his or her behavior contradicted the organization’s mission(s).   The media obviously hated that decision; a camera caught Bryant Gumbel saying “what a f***ing idiot” in response to the Family Research Council’s Robert Knight defending the Boy Scouts’ policy of excluding gays as scout leaders in an interview with Gumbel for CBS’s “The Early Show.”   It took Gumbel seven years to actually admit that he uttered those words.   Like the military, the Boy Scouts remained one of the few institutions untouched by the radical left after their “long march through the institutions.”   For the past 107 years, The Boy Scouts of Am...

Immigration and the Left's Plans for Our Nation

Earlier this week, President Trump released a 70-point plan reflecting his immigration priorities. The President has indicated that he wants these provisions included in any bill giving any type of amnesty to the “dreamers”, a group of illegal immigrants brought here by their parents as minors.   The 70-point plan focuses on three primary priorities; improved border security, interior enforcement, and the creation of a merit-based immigration policy.   This surely did not impress the Democrats; who hoped that the dreamers would receive amnesty with no strings attached.   They could promise to address border security at a later time all they wanted to but it looks like the President has decided to call their bluff.   President Trump had previously caused anxiety among some in his base by meeting with Senate Minority Leader and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi shortly after he decided to discontinue DACA; an executive order signed by President Obama designe...